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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Subtle: when creating symlinks, do NOT include $(DESTDIR) as part of · 5cd01fc6
    Mike Hibler authored
    the source of the link.  Otherwise when installing an MFS with something
    like DESTDIR=/mnt, you wind up with links like:
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   25 Nov  9 11:45 lib@ -> /mnt/usr/local/etc/emulab
    which do not resolve when the MFS is booted.
    This assumes that DESTDIR is only used for temporary mounting of filesystems
    that are normally mounted elsewhere (and I believe that has always been the
    intent of DESTDIR, at least in BSD).  If DESTDIR reflected the true path,
    then the links will now be wrong.