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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    * Replace the argument processing code in all pages. Currently we rely on · 48acc8e3
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
      register_globals=1 to turn POST/GET/COOKIES arguments in local variables.
      This is known to be a terrible security risk, and we keep saying we are
      going to fix it, and now I am. In order to accomplish this on a
      transitional basis (since I don't want the entire web interface to stop
      working while I debug it), and because the code just needs the cleanup, I
      am doing it like this: Each page will sport new declarations at the top:
    	RequiredPageArguments("experiment", PAGEARG_EXPERIMENT,
                                  "template",   PAGEARG_TEMPLATE,
                                  "instance",   PAGEARG_INSTANCE,
                                  "metadata",   PAGEARG_METADATA,
                                  "osinfo",     PAGEARG_OSINFO,
                                  "image",      PAGEARG_IMAGE,
                                  "project",    PAGEARG_PROJECT,
                                  "group",      PAGEARG_GROUP,