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  • Shashi Guruprasad's avatar
    NSE related changes: · 05bc3bd4
    Shashi Guruprasad authored
      - Fixes the routing problem
      - A new type "sim" has been created but not in the DB. node_types and
        nodes remain unchanged. This will change after we figure out how
        to represent in the DB the local multiple virtnodes in one phynode case
        The frontend tb_compat.tcl adds the sim type and ptopgen associates
        a huge number of sim nodes to all local PCs.
      - All simulated nodes go into one pc untill I finish coding the distributed
        nse case. Also, sim nodes go through assign but with an explicit
        "fix-node" directive in the top file. A random free pc is chosen using
        the avail script in assign_wrapper. If we don't fix node it, assign
        maps sim nodes to multiple phy nodes even when a valid all to one
        mapping is possible.
      - Syntax for nse:
       $ns make-simulated {
           set simnode1 [$ns node]
           set simnode2 [$ns node]
       The old syntax
       set nsenode [$ns nsenode]
       $nsenode make-simulated {
       is deprecated
      - All 38 frontend ...