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  • Timothy Stack's avatar
    · 6f545cf0
    Timothy Stack authored
    Some more robot integration.
    	* event/lib/event.h, event/lib/event.c: Add some
    	event_notification creation functions that get used in
    	* event/sched/event-sched.c, event/sched/rpc.h,
    	event/sched/ Sync the start of event time with the
    	robots reaching their initial positions.  This is done by
    	creating a master event-sequence that takes care of sending
    	the SETDEST events and then starting the Simulator timeline.
    	* mote/ Use node_reboot instead of ssh'ing in.
    	* robots/ Don't build tbsetdest if ulsshxmlrpcpp is
    	not available.
    	* robots/emc/ Clear the destination values for a
    	node when it reaches its destination.
    	* robots/primotion/,
    	robots/primotion/ Some cleanup and debugging.
    	* robots/primotion/ Check the rear sensors for
    	obstructions and then decide which way to pivot.
    	* robots/rmcd/pilotConnection.h, robots/rmcd/pilotConnection.c,
    	robots/rmcd/rclip.h: Even more tweaking.
    	* rob...