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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Split the -e option to ptopgen into -p/-e. Assign will always pass in · f5e2a9d3
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    the pid so that ptopgen can do permission checks on the node types and
    classes before it sticks them into the ptop file. -e now takes just eid,
    but operates as before.
    Change the -v option slightly; assign passes -v option when it sees
    that the topology requires virtual nodes. Without -v, virtual nodes
    are not placed into the the ptop file, saving about 6000 lines of node
    Get rid of the pcvm and pc601 hacks, and replace with a permission
    check, as determined by the nodetypeXpid_permissions. I've updated
    that table to reflect current types/classes.
    Change Rob's last change, which was doing a DB query on each node,
    which when used with -v, was issuing a lot of queries. I was puzzled
    why ptopgen was taking 4 seconds to run!
    Kill more sharks.
    Cleanup some terrible indenting.