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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    * Add jailflag to arg list for all functions, which we get via · eb3e2cac
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
      iptonodeid. Currently, the only real change for jailflag is in
      doaccounts, which returns a normal accounts list for a jailed virtual
      node (pid,gid like local nodes), a set of tbadmin accounts for a
      physical node doing jails (so we can still log into any node even if
      its doing jails), and continues to do the old thing for widearea nodes
      not doing jails (pcremote_ok slot in projects table). Nasty, I know.
    * Add dotarball command which returns a tarball to a widearea node via
      ssl. The filename must be in the tarballs list for the node (vnode),
      and the file must be in the gid of the experiment, or be owned by the
      experiment creator. Last bit of paranoia is that the resolved path
      must live in one of /proj, /groups, or /users. In addition, all of the
      FS commands are wrapped so that an NFS hangup to ops will not wedge
      tmcd completely.
    * jailconfig command, which returns the current config for a jailed
      node so that mkjail can give the proper options to the jail command
      (requires Mike's hacks to the kernel and jail). Last 3 are hardwired
      as you can see, but will eventually come from the DB.
    		"BPFRO=1\n", row[0], row[1]);
    * Do not return any mounts for jail nodes until we figure out the SFS
    * Change format of vnodelist so that when a node boots it determine if
      the vnodes that need to be started should be jailed or not.
    * Add nodeid command so that widearea nodes can find out their emulab
      ID; useful for cvsup.
    * Clear some compiler warnings Mac left behind.