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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Here is a fun little change. Lacking native perl SSL XMLRPC tools, I · a7482569
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    put together a little library that provides the illusion of nativeness. New "rawmode" (-r) option. Instead of the
    usual command line operation, input raw XMLRPC goo and send that over
    to the server. The raw XMLRPC reply goo is spit out on stdout. In
    other words, it is up to the caller to generate the XML stuff, and
    convert back from XML to a reply structure. A new perl library that exports one real method
    called, interestingly enough, CallMethod($$$). The first and second
    arguments are the module and method to invoke in the RPC server. The
    third argument is an arbitrary perl data structure to convert into XML
    and pass to the server. For example:
    	libxmlrpc::CallMethod("experiment", "state",
    	                      {"proj" => "testbed", "exp" => "myemulab"});
    The return value of CallMethod is whatever data structure the server
    returned, or undef if there is an internal error or if the RPC fails