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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Hmm, a questionable change that I needed cause of ElabInElab and swapmod. · b031d1a7
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    When doing a swapmod, nodes already reserved to the experiment are "moved"
    (via update) to a holding reservation. Fine.  After assign runs, the old
    nodes are moved back, but this time by an insert into the table, which
    causes them to lose some fields that I do not want them to lose! This might
    really mean that these fields do not belong in the reserved table, but I do
    not want to ponder this right now. Instead I do another update bringing
    them back into the original experiment.
    I left comment indicating that this is under review (and why this commit is
    seperate from the rest of the swapmod changes).