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  1. Sep 24, 2012
    • Eric Eide's avatar
      Replace license symbols with {{{ }}}-enclosed license blocks. · 6df609a9
      Eric Eide authored
      This commit is intended to makes the license status of Emulab and
      ProtoGENI source files more clear.  It replaces license symbols like
      "EMULAB-COPYRIGHT" and "GENIPUBLIC-COPYRIGHT" with {{{ }}}-delimited
      blocks that contain actual license statements.
      This change was driven by the fact that today, most people acquire and
      track Emulab and ProtoGENI sources via git.
      Before the Emulab source code was kept in git, the Flux Research Group
      at the University of Utah would roll distributions by making tar
      files.  As part of that process, the Flux Group would replace the
      license symbols in the source files with actual license statements.
      When the Flux Group moved to git, people outside of the group started
      to see the source files with the "unexpanded" symbols.  This meant
      that people acquired source files without actual license statements in
      them.  All the relevant files had Utah *copyright* statements in them,
      but without the expanded *license* statements, the licensing status of
      the source files was unclear.
      This commit is intended to clear up that confusion.
      Most Utah-copyrighted files in the Emulab source tree are distributed
      under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License, version 3
      Most Utah-copyrighted files related to ProtoGENI are distributed under
      the terms of the GENI Public License, which is a BSD-like open-source
      Some Utah-copyrighted files in the Emulab source tree are distributed
      under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
  2. Jul 17, 2007
  3. Jun 21, 2007
    • Pramod R Sanaga's avatar
      · 2a8299ee
      Pramod R Sanaga authored is the script for checking cross-correlation of Flexlab
      runs. It works for both TCP and UDP transfers. I also changed
      auto-pelab.ns and added a "-t" option to start-experiment
      and stop-experiment to enable these sanity checks.
      Note: I haven't figured out how to kill sudo tcpdump sessions
      on PlanetLab with program agents - so, for now they have to be
      killed manually after a stop-experiment. Will change this after
      talking to Mike.
      The cross-correlation code works correctly - I may need to tweak it
      a bit in the near future for averaging times.
      Also, it puts too much load on Ops and (i think) takes too much time.
      I will change it so that all the correlation calculations are done on
      the experimental nodes.
  4. Apr 17, 2007
  5. Dec 19, 2006
  6. Dec 05, 2006
  7. Dec 01, 2006
  8. Nov 09, 2006
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      Largely synchronize with the template version: · a94f74e1
      Mike Hibler authored
       * allow for no server program to be run
       * allow for a program to be run on all nodes (including planet-*)
       * mods for the new improved dbmonitor
      Also allow setting of use_magent=2 to indicate that it should start an
      iperfd to listen for traffic on plab nodes rather than the stub.
  9. Oct 09, 2006
  10. Oct 03, 2006
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      First crack at moving toward a template "run" model. · 8f87a63b
      Mike Hibler authored
      Create event sequences to do the equiv. of start- and stop-experiment.
      Rather than using those scripts, you now can use start-run and stop-run
      which are just wrappers around tevc to trigger the sequences.
      This checking is backward compatible in the sense that you can continue to
      use start- and stop-experiment and should never notice a thing.
      The new event model doesn't support a couple of things that the old script
      based execution did, most notably, you cannot change command line arguments.
      It does support real vs. fake runs.
  11. Sep 29, 2006
    • Robert Ricci's avatar
      Allow the setting of ports for the stub, so that two experiments can · 6ad24846
      Robert Ricci authored
      run simultaneously on the same planetlab node.
      Confine tcpdump on the planetlab nodes to just the stub's traffic, so
      we don't have to worry about nameserver traffic, ssh traffic, etc.
      Make use_magent the defauly.
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      Add no_plab option to NS file allowing you to "monitor" (set initial · a7434c80
      Mike Hibler authored
      conditions) plab nodes without actually allocating them.
      Changed init-elabnodes to support this.  Elab to plab mapping is set in the
      NS file via the $opt array, which init-elabnodes extracts via the XMLRPC
      So to run the "really simple model":
       1. set "no_plab" to 1 in the NS file
       2. make sure you have enough nodes listed in "plabnodes" in the NS file
          to cover "num_pcs".
       3. swapin the experiment
       4. after swapin, run
      Also, cleaned up the NS file some: got rid of hokey tcpdump setup as it
      was redundant, made tracing optional (though on by default), expect proper
      return values from program agents.
  12. Sep 14, 2006
  13. Sep 01, 2006
  14. Aug 25, 2006
  15. Aug 16, 2006
  16. Aug 11, 2006
  17. Aug 10, 2006
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      First crack at surviving down planetlab nodes. If the master barrier sync · 5f413b47
      Mike Hibler authored
      node sits in the stub or monitor barrier sync for more than the SYNCTIMO
      timeout value in, it will send a HUP to syncd which will
      knock all the other nodes out of their barrier sync.  If that happens,
      all nodes will print a warning message and continue.
      All nodes wait for both a stub sync and a monitor sync, so if one plab node
      is down, they will timeout on both barrier syncs.  Race conditions?  Sure.
      If for example everyone times out on the stub barrier due to a slow node,
      and then that node reaches the barrier, it will hang there while everyone
      else waits on the monitor barrier.  When the latter times out, it will
      kick the slow node out of the stub sync and it will then proceed to hang
      in the monitor sync until the experiment is stopped.  Got that?
      As an aside, it would be nice if the initializer of a barrier could specify
      a timeout value, and return a special error code to everyone if it timed out,
      but that would require an incompatible change to the sync protocol.
  18. Aug 09, 2006
  19. Jul 19, 2006
  20. Apr 24, 2006
  21. Apr 23, 2006
  22. Apr 20, 2006
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      Various changes: · 73d52a50
      Mike Hibler authored
       * auto-pelab.ns: add an event-group that runs 'update -t' on the nodes
         to update the tarballs/RPMs.  NOTE that you will need to modify your
         experiment and update your version of the NS file for this to work.
       * install-tarball: simple script to run tevc and trigger the tarball
       * start-experiment: '-p' option to monitor the real planetlab nodes
         instead of the emulated ones, -M/-S to set the arguments passed to
         the monitors/stubs, -m/-s to append to the current arguments passed
         to the monitors/stubs.
       * monitor/ pass through the command line arguments
  23. Apr 18, 2006
  24. Apr 14, 2006
  25. Apr 12, 2006
  26. Apr 10, 2006
  27. Apr 05, 2006
    • Robert Ricci's avatar
      Framework for running pelab experiments. · d174b055
      Robert Ricci authored
      auto-pelab.ns - NS script for creating a pelab experiment. Supports
      both real and fake Plab nodes.
      start-experiment - perl script to start up monitors and stubs, and to
      start link tracing.
      stop-experiment - perl script to stop monitors and stubs, and collect
      all of the files from this experiment.
      Write documentation for it - how to run it, where the logfiles go, etc.
      Add hooks for the user to run their own program under test (ie iperf)
      Reset condidtions on the Emulab-side LAN before an experiment starts
      Get link tracing on plab (probably by starting pcapper with the
      program agent)