- Mar 30, 2005
Jonathon Duerig authored
Quick fix. The assignment operator for SetIterator.h did not return a value. This didn't cause any known current errors, but g++ 3.4.1 noticed.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
exclusion zone on a per-obstacle basis, and 2) show the tooltip.
Timothy Stack authored
Kirk Webb authored
The ports-install script neglects to copy the ulsshblahblah port into the ports tree, causing mayhem and havoc at remote site. Updated.
- Mar 29, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Robert Ricci authored
path, users run this by hand so they can interact with it (ie. type a password).
Robert Ricci authored
- but this file isn't php!
Leigh B. Stoller authored
one is not left in the browser. Generally this does not matter, except that I often switch between users from the same browser.
Timothy Stack authored
another node.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
remote-site target.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
J. Mirkovic, S. Dietrich, D. Dittrich, and P. Reiher, "Internet Denial of Service", Prentice Hall PTR (December 30, 2004), ISBN: 0131475738
- Mar 28, 2005
Robert Ricci authored
grabswitchconfig, suitable for daily running from cron.
Robert Ricci authored
Robert Ricci authored
and stashes it in a local file.
Timothy Stack authored
the fixed point on the ground where the camera origin is in world coordinates.
Timothy Stack authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
into the Wiki when clicking on the My Wiki's link. Works like this: * The My Wiki's link points to new page, gotowiki.php3, on boss. * The gotowiki page looks for a new cookie in the user's browser which holds a key (the usual random data run through md5). * If the key does not exist, generate it and store it in the user browser (expires when browser is closed or emulab login times out). Also invoke backend script wikixlogin, which will send the key over to the wiki server (via ssh), which will write the key into a file named by the user account. * The user's browser is redirected to the wiki server's login script (twiki/bin/newlogon), but instead of username and password, we send over username and key (as well as redurl= parameter which is the page on the wiki server to redirect to later). * The new login script looks for this case, and opens the file named by the user and compares the key it gets with what is in the file. If they match, the user login succeeds and the browser is once again redirected, but this time to the page it wants on the wiki server. If the key does not match, the browser is redirected to the login page (so user can enter username password normally). The redurl parameter is passed along as well. * Subsequent clicks on My Wiki's will not need to invoke the backend script, since the cookie will be in the browser.
- Mar 26, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
logon script, so that we do not have to use stinky HTPP basic auth.
- Mar 25, 2005
Robert Ricci authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
the interfaces table. This will be used to override the defaults that newnode assigns using the node_types table, since for ElabinElab, interface roles are actually picked however assign feels like it, not according to any rules.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
for the near future. Two big changes: * Add WikiOnly accounts. An external user can register for an account on the wiki. Rather then use the registration stuff that comes with TWiki, redirect to new Emulab web page so we can manage all of the wiki accounts from one place. I modified the joinproject page to spit out a subset of the required fields so that its simple to get a wiki only account (just a few things to fill in). In keeping with current security practices, we still generate a verification email message to ensure the email address works. However, when the user completes the verification, the wiki account is created right away, rather then waiting for someone to approve it (since that would defeat the entire point of the wiki). Aside: I have not thought much about the conversion from a wiki-only account to a real account. That is going to happen, and it would be nice if that step did not require one of use to go in and hack the DB. Will cross that moat later. Aside: Rather beat up on the modify user info page too much, I continue to spit out the same form, but mark most of the fields as not required, and allow wiki-only people to not specify them. * Both the joinproject and newproject pages sport a new WikiName field so that users can select their own WikiName. I added some JavaScript to both pages that generate a suitable wikiname from the FullName field, so that as soon as the user clicks out of the FullName, a default wikiname is inserted in the field. Both pages verify the wikinames by checking to make sure it is not already in use, and that it meets the WikiRules for WikiTopic names. (someone please shoot me if I continue to use WikiNotation).
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
wiki pages for projects and users on an existing testbed. This assumes I can easily partition the actual twiki code into a distribution that we can give people. I haven't really thought much about that, but I assume its not too hard.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
do not replicate the notes into 1200 files (and of course, so we easily change the notes later).
- Mar 24, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Mike Hibler authored
Checked in so we can track their evolution and so you don't have to rely on Mike to remember where he stashed them!
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
send the password hash over in the ssh, instead of getting it from the local password file.
Mike Hibler authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
them. Also a few other helpful details and links.
- Mar 23, 2005
Mike Hibler authored
Just noticed this was causing lots of "malformed interface record" logging.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Mike Hibler authored
Robert Ricci authored
I see this as a temporary hack until the permissions checks get fixed in libdb to handle root.
- Mar 22, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
script_wrapper. expwait [-t timeout] -e pid,eid state expwait [-t timeout] pid eid state where: -e - Project and Experiment ID -t - Maximum time to wait (in seconds).