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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Lots of changes: debug; macvlans; details below. · fdf97b51
    David Johnson authored
    I added debug options for each LVM and vzctl call; you can toggle it
    on by touching /vz/.lvmdebug, /, /.lvmdebug, and
    /vz/.vzdebug, /, /.vzdebug.  I also added dates to
    debug timestamps for debugging longer-term shared node problems.
    I added support for using macvlan devices instead of openvz veths
    for experiment interfaces.  Basically, you can add macvlan devices
    atop any other ethernet device to "virtualize" it using fake mac
    addresses.  We use them like this: if the virtual link/lan needs to
    leave the vhost on a phys device or vlan device, we attach the macvlan
    devices to the appropriate real device.  If the virtlan is completely
    internal to the vhost, we create a dummy ethernet device and attach
    the macvlan devices to that.
    The difference between macvlan devices and veths is that macvlan
    devices are created only in the root context, and are moved into
    the container context when the vnodes boot.  There is no "root
    context" half -- the device is fully in the container's network
    namespace.  BUT, the underlying device is in the root network
    We use macvlans in "bridge" mode, so that when one macvlan device sends
    a packet, the device driver checks any other macvlan devices attached
    to the underlying physical, vlan, or dummy device, and delivers the packet
    accordingly.  The difference between this fake bridge and a real bridge
    is that the macvlan driver knows the mac of each attached interface,
    and does not have to do any learning whatsoever.  I haven't looked at
    the code, but it should be a very, very simple, fast, and zero-copy
    transmit from one macvlan device onto another.
    This is essentially the same as the planetlab shortbridge, but since
    I haven't looked at the code, I can't say that there aren't more
    opportunities to optimize.  Still, this should hopefully be faster
    than openvz veths.
    Oh, and I also added support for using Linux tc's netem modules
    for doing delay and loss shaping, instead of using our custom
    kernel modules.  I got tired of pulling our patches forward and
    adapting to the packet sched API changes in the kernel!  netem is
    more advanced than our stuff, anyway, and should do a fine job.