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  • Shashi Guruprasad's avatar
    Fixed the traffic generator TCL statement ordering problem. · f4c667ea
    Shashi Guruprasad authored
    Now, an agent connect statement can come before application attach-agent
    which complies with NS. In addition, the order of
    "$ns attach-agent <node> <agent>" and "$ns connect <agent1> <agent2>"
    can by anything now. Reversing the order in NS causes problems for this though.
    However, in emulab's case, we don't need that order. Most of these checks
    are now moved to updatedb reducing some clutter in traffic.tcl
    One thing that NS supports and it would be difficult for us is the order
    of application attach-agent and "$ns at" statements. In NS, its ok to
    flip the order. In emulab, its still not. Thats coz "$ns at" statements
    need to know what vnode is the event going to. Of course, this can be
    fixed by making "$ns at" storing the eventstring as is and only parsing
    during the updatedb/$ns run phase. Seems like its not worth changing now.