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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Handle the identification of enet interfaces in a less ad-hoc manner. · 05abd217
    Mike Hibler authored
    Things were simple back when all Linux called them "ethN" and there were
    very few pseudo-devices to worry about...
    Now we find the "active" experimental interfaces from the Emulab-provided
    /var/emulab/boot/tmcc/ifconfig info. We use the MACs there along with "findif"
    to identify interfaces of interest. N.B.: as it stands, this version of
    slothd requires the most recent change to "findif" to accept command line
    MAC addresses with ':'s.
    Also fixed a couple of bugs while in here. The "netstat" command output
    (used to obtain packet counts on both Linux and FreeBSD) has also changed
    over the years. At some point, the Linux version (at least on CentOS) removed
    the "Met" (metric) column from the output, throwing off the parsing of input
    and output packet counts. For FreeBSD, an "Idrops" column was added which
    throws off the output packet count. Both are now handled by noting whether
    the columns exist when first seeing the header, and adjusti...