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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Okay, I think I am finally done with WikiWhacking (or WhackingTheWiki?) · 90dcbbe2
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    for the near future. Two big changes:
    * Add WikiOnly accounts. An external user can register for an account on
      the wiki. Rather then use the registration stuff that comes with TWiki,
      redirect to new Emulab web page so we can manage all of the wiki accounts
      from one place. I modified the joinproject page to spit out a subset of
      the required fields so that its simple to get a wiki only account (just a
      few things to fill in).
      In keeping with current security practices, we still generate a
      verification email message to ensure the email address works. However,
      when the user completes the verification, the wiki account is created right
      away, rather then waiting for someone to approve it (since that would
      defeat the entire point of the wiki).
      Aside: I have not thought much about the conversion from a wiki-only
      account to a real account. That is going to happen, and it would be nice
      if that step did not require one...