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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    1. Beef up "admin mode" support. · 4ec701e7
    Mike Hibler authored
    * Add with routines for entering/exiting and executing
      commands in, the admin MFS.  Node admin and firewall swapout (see
      below) now use this, the image creation process does not yet.
    * Add swapout time hooks for running an admin mode process, likely to
      be used to collect swapout time state.  Currently controlled globally
      by two new sitevars.
    * Modified node_admin to use the library and added a "-c <command>"
      option to have nodes go into admin mode and run a command.  I don't
      really expect this to be useful, it was just a testing vehicle for
      the library.
    2. Improved the swapout process for firewalled experiments.  Largely
       just generalized what we already did for paniced experiments.
       At swapout, firewalled nodes are:
       - powered off
       - set to boot into admin mode and run a disk zapper
       - powered on
      The swapout process then waits for all nodes to successfully complete
      disk zapage, at which point the nodes are nfree'ed as usual....