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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Implement heartbeat/status reports in Frisbee. · 2be46ba4
    Mike Hibler authored
    There are three pieces here, a change to the frisbee protocol itself, an
    Emulab event component to get status back to the portal, and the surrounding
    infrastructure to make it all work.
    Frisbee heartbeat messages:
    Added a new message type to the frisbee protocol, "Progress". In theory it
    operates by having the server send a multicast progress request to its clients
    which includes an interval at which to report (or "just once") and an
    indication of what to report (nothing, progress summary, or full stats). The
    client then sends unicast "fire and forget" UDP replies according to that
    schedule. However, I took a shortcut for the moment and just added a command
    line option to the client to tell it to report a summary at the indicated
    interval (-H <interval>).  So the server never sends requests.
    This is implemented in the client by a fourth thread since I wanted it to
    operate independent of packet reception (which would cause clients to report
    in a highly sync...