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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    A bunch of ElabInELab changes. · 10b116e0
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    * snmpit: When ElabInELabis true, use the routines in the new library for setting up and tearing down vlans for an
      experiment. At present, only these two operations are proxied out to
      the outer emulab.
    * A new little library that uses the XMLPRC server on
      the outer emulab to setup and destroy vlans for an inner experiment.
      This code is used from snmpit (see above).
    * A couple of minor changes for the server side of the
      proxy operation.
    * A new perl module that is invoked from the RPC
      server.  This proxy sets up and tears down vlans for an inner elab.
      The basic model is that the container experiment will have lots of
      vlans for various individual experiments running on the inner emulab.
    * swapexp: A couple of minor elabinelab hacks.
    * tbswap: For elabinelab experiments, reconfig/restart dhcpd when
      tearing down the experiment, and call out to new elabinelab script
      when setting up an el...