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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Frisbee general: · 9e55b0b1
    Mike Hibler authored
    1. Implement PREQUEST message which passes a bit map of desired blocks.
       We still use the REQUEST message (start block + number of blocks) for
       full chunk requests as that is more efficient.  This message also
       includes a flag indicating whether it is a retry of a request we
       originally made or not.  This gives the server more accurate loss info.
    2. More stats and tracing goo.
    Frisbee client:
    1. Add 'C' and 'W' command line options to specify amount of memory
       for chunk buffers (network buffering) and for write buffers (disk
       buffering).  The Emulab frisbee startup script uses these to partition
       up all the available memory on a machine.  Previously we were just
       using a fixed ~128MB even though our machines have 256 or 512MB of
       memory.  Also add the 'M' option which specifies the overall memory,
       internally dividing it up between chunk buffers and write buffers.
    2. Add 'S' command line option to explicitly specify the server.  This
       allows us to make a feeb......