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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Add support for fully initializing the ilo on geni rack nodes. · 164da3ba
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    The basic operational model is as follows.
    * We turn the nodes on.
    * Since there is nothing on the disks, they will fall through to
      booting from the PXE and will boot the newnode MFS. They all check
    * We run Jon's script that adds the nodes. They are now in hwdown,
      still nothing on the disks.
    * We run my script, which is driven from a datafile we are supposed to
      get from HP. This script has the ilomac, ilopswd, control mac. I
      will add another column initially; the permanent IP to assign to the
      ilo. This script does:
     + Reads the datafile to get all the stuff.
     + Reads the dhcpd.leases file to find the temporary IPs of the ilos.
     + Finds the corresponding nodes in the DB.
     + Sends over an XML file that does the following:
         - Add the elabman user.
         - Add local root's dsa pub key to the new elabman user.
         - Add Utah's root dsa key to the Administrator user
         - Sets the power on mode to auto (so that the node tur...