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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Add new script ifsetup, which resets the rc files for initializing · 3a093261
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    tunnels, interfaces, routes, and delay links. Currently in the freebsd
    subtree, it will move to the common directory at some point. When used
    with either -i or -u, it will also run the rc files, either to install
    (-i) or to uninstall (-u). I suppose a logical option would be a -r
    option to reinit (uninstall, followed by install), and that would be
    easy to add. Also takes a -j option to specify a vnodeid (jail), which
    does all the same stuff, but just for the specified jail node (tmcd
    changed to return vnode specific data). So, this script can be used to
    set up the phys node, or any single virtual node on that phys node.
    Changed delaysetup to take the same options (-i, -u, -j), and I call
    delaysetup from ifsetup, passing the options along.