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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Modified version of snmpit to be run as a "feature" while · 31812eae
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    testing. Changes include:
    * syncvlans option that compares the switches and the DB and makes
      everything consistent, including creating backing DB objects for the
      dozens of hand created vlans, since all vlans must have a DB object
      so that vlan tag reservations can be consistent across all stacks.
    * Clean up the tag stuff a bit. No longer store tag in the
      lan_attributes table since that is a transient table, prone to
      getting out of sync with reality.
    * Changes to how the set of devices in a stack is chosen; ensure that
      we do not reference switches that are not needed (no ports on that
      switch and does not traverse a trunk on that switch). This should
      allow us to move the Backbone switches back into the Experimental
      stack, without fear that normal swapin will block cause the long
      distance links to those switches is down.