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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Wow, this should make me look important! · afa5e919
    Mike Hibler authored
    Two-day boondoggle to support "/scratch", an optional large, shared filesystem
    for users.  To do this, I needed to find all the instances where /proj is used
    and behave accordingly.  The boondoggle part was the decision to gather up all
    the hardwired instances of shared directory names ("/proj", "/users", etc.)
    so that they are set in a common place (via unexposed configure variables).
    This is a boondoggle because:
    1. I didn't change the client-side scripts.  They need a different mechanism
       (e.g., tmcd) to get the info, configure is the wrong way.
    2. Even if I had done #1 it is likely--no, certain--that something would
       fail if you tried to rename "/proj" to be "/mike".  These names are just
       too ingrained.
    3. We may not even use "/scratch" as it turns out.
    Note, I also didn't fix any of the .html documentation.  Anyway, it is done.
    To maintain my illusion in the future you should:
    1. Have perl scripts include "use libtestbed" and use the defined PROJRO...