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  • Kevin Atkinson's avatar
    · 425c4b89
    Kevin Atkinson authored
    Set the charset for all emulab pages to utf-8 which is needed to
    display foreign names correctly.  Also added three rows to table_regex:
    tinytext_utf8, text_utf8, fulltext_utf8
    Enhanced form_defs.php:
      - Add Support for Textarea
      - Add Support for a vertical list, for example see Category in
      - Add support for dumping the form values in plain text, used in the
        email I send to testbed-ops.
      - Change Error Reporting text for subfields such as in a list so
        they also include the text from the outer field, for example in
        newosid "ping" will become "OS Features, ping".  I needed this
        since some of my subfields didn't have labels and it seamed like
        the right thing to do.
      - Set #return_value to 1 in FormRenderCheckBox if it not already
      - In FormRenderSelect, if the #value is not in the list add it to
        the end.
      - Add support for "display" type, to just display some text in the
      - Possibly some other little things I forgot about.