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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Fix route saving in Linux firewall code to preserve default route. · 044c33bd
    David Johnson authored
    Our firewall rules rely on the ability to resolve names.  Thus, the
    manipulation we do on the firewall node to move the control net from a
    NIC to a bridge with the NIC inside it must save all the routes, too.
    If this code used to do that properly for Ubuntu 10, it certainly does
    not for Ubuntu 16, for one of potentially multiple reasons.  So I wrote
    some fun code to do its very best to save all routes related to the
    control net device (including the default route) in such a way as to 1)
    obtain *all* routes before tearing *any* down any; and 2) to ensure that
    the transformed routes can be safely restored.  (This will then work for
    any testbed with an obtuse control net setup in which the default route
    is insufficient to reach boss, not that that will ever happen.)  This
    code does its thing on both the enable/disable paths, of course.  Here's
    the relevant details from the code:
        This is very, very messy.  We have to save the
        existing routes for $pdev, but in an order that they
        can be restored without failing, before we move
        $pdev into br0.  Then the restored routes must be
        rewritten in terms of br0 instead of $pdev.
        Finally, we have to collect these routes prior to 1)
        assigning $pdev's IP to br0, and 2) moving $pdev
        into br0, and 3) prior to *deleting* any routes.
        All these conditions seem necessary to me.
        ip route show does not necessarily display routes in
        restoreable order.  In particular, the thing that
        bites is that the default route is (now, as of
        Ubuntu16, at least) displayed *prior to* the scope
        link (broadcast route) for a device).  So, we first
        harvest the scope link routes for $pdev (i.e., the
        natural ones that come into being as a side affect
        of assiging an IP address to a link); then we
        harvest all other routes associated with $pdev; then
        we remove all routes associated with $pdev.  Then we
        do the mucking about with bridge membership and
        transfer IP from $pdev to bridge, and finally,
        restore the routes we saved (modified to br0, of