This is a snapshot of the current source code for the software that runs Netbed (Emulab++) at the University of Utah, as well as testbeds at other sites: This is a snapshot of a rapidly-evolving system, rather than an engineered release. It contains all Netbed source required to build a running testbed, but interaction with Utah will almost certainly be required to get things up and running. Netbed is being actively developed, so there will be features on deployed Netbeds that are not included in this snapshot. Contact us (contact info at the bottom of this file) if you are interested in receiving an updated version of this source. IMPORTANT NOTE See the file LICENSE for restrictions on this snapshot. In summary, you can't redistribute it, use it for commercial purposes, must give appropriate credit to Utah and Emulab, and return improvements to us. These terms may become more liberal in a future formal release. HOW TO SETUP Copy and localize the 'defs-example' file for your environment and run "./configure". See doc/setup.txt for details. This source currently only builds on FreeBSD, and requires several packages; the dependencies can be found in the Makefile for our 'meta-port' in install/ports/emulab-boss . HOW TO UPDATE Start by looking at doc/update-testbed.txt. DOCUMENTATION This is a snapshot, not a formal distribution, so don't expect great documentation. doc/* contains documentation for developers. www/*.html and www/doc/*.html contain end-user documentation. Good places to start would include: - The doc/papers directory, which contains papers published about Netbed - The user tutorial (www/tutorial/tutorial.html) - The user FAQ (www/faq.html) - The user authorization document (www/auth.html) - Some powerpoint slides on Emulab internals, found at: These include two files especially useful for setting up your own testbed: "build-operate.ppt" and the first part of "security-all.ppt". - Software architecture preliminary diagram (doc/ - Notes on the source tree and architecture (doc/arch.txt) - Overview of some major systems (doc/overview.txt) - Diagrams and brief explanations of the state machines used in the system (www/doc/states.html and www/doc/*.gif) - The instructions for building a running system from scratch (doc/setup*.txt) - Mail we have exchanged with others about hardware recommendations (doc/hardware-mail.mbox) QUICK TOUR - The Database maintains most testbed state. - LibDB (db/ is the main DB interface for testbed software. - sql/database-create.sql contains the DB schema. - The Web Interface (www/*) is the primary means of managing the system. - startexp (tbsetup/ is the backend for experiment creation; Important scripts it calls include tbprerun (tbsetup/ and tbswap (tbsetup/ - ns2ir (tbsetup/ns2ir/*) converts NS files to DB state (via TCL). - assign (assign/*) maps experiments to available hardware. - snmpit (tbsetup/ configures VLANs on switch hardware. - frisbee (os/frisbee.redux/*) uses multicast to rapidly deploy disk images. - tmcd (tmcd/*) is contacted by nodes as they boot up, to get configuration. - capture and console (capture/*, tip/*) provide serial line access to nodes. SOURCE TREE ORGANIZATION account - Account creation and management apache - Apache HTTPD configuration assign - Resource allocation software capture - Node serial line server software cdrom - Software related to CD-booting local and remote machines db - Variety of interfaces to testbed state dhcpd - DHCPD configuration doc - Documentation (mainly internal) event - Event System hyperviewer - 3D experiment visualization tool install - Site installation scripts ipod - "Ping of Death" software ir - NS-to-database interpreter (in TCL) lib - C/C++ interface libraries mote - Initial testbed support for Berkeley/Crossbow motes named - BIND configuration files os - Client-side software (disk loading, route calculation, etc.) patches - Patches needed to compile standard software packages pxe - Software related to PXE-booting machines rc.d - Server-side startup scripts security - Tools for secure boss node access sensors - Node monitoring daemons sql - Database schema and initialization ssl - SSL Certificate configurations sysadmin - Apache Log Roller tbsetup - Experiment creation and manipulation testsuite - Automated testing suite tip - Node serial line client software tmcd - Testbed master control daemon and client (for node configuration) tools - Misc. infrastructure tools utils - Testbed configuration and maintenence tools vis - Experiment visualization www - Web Interface / User Documentation xmlrpc - Programatic XML-RPC interface to testbed HELP/CONTACT INFORMATION For help and to report bugs and problems, mail Don't be shy! We are happy to get on the phone with you, too, for "big picture" issues and problems. Jay Lepreau,, 801-581-4285, and the Utah testbed crew. February 1, 2004 ]
Forked from
emulab / emulab-devel
25193 commits behind the upstream repository.