- Mar 27, 2007
Mike Hibler authored
- Mar 23, 2007
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Mar 21, 2007
David Johnson authored
must be in the correct order; fixed.
- Mar 02, 2007
David Johnson authored
have to re-run the swig-wrappers target in tools/rmanage/GNUmakefile to generate the wrapper and perl module; this must of course be done when changes are made to the rmcp libs. * GNUmakefile.in, configure, configure.in: add tools/rmanage * tbsetup/GNUmakefile.in, tbsetup/power*.in: add rmcp to power command * tools/GNUmakefile.in: add rmanage * tools/rmanage/*.c,*.h: bugfixes, swig helper methods, etc. * tools/rmanage/rmcp.i: swig import control file * tools/rmanage/rmcp.pm,rmcp_wrap.c: rmcp wrapper/module generated by swig
- Feb 02, 2007
Mike Hibler authored
Rev 20 of the tarball has no new function, it is just slimmed down. I replaced our large statically linked binaries with dynamically linked ones. Also found and stripped a couple of other binaries. The resulting tarball goes from 5.7MB to 0.9MB. The Makefile changes are to incorporate the NOSTATIC=1 environment hack to enable building the dynamic binaries above.
- Dec 05, 2006
David Johnson authored
Linux/FreeBSD, by talking directly to an ASF-enabled NIC. The rmcp lib in rmcp.c is quick and dirty. Since we didn't need IPMI, I didn't make any real attempt to unentangle RMCP and ASF. However, if we do need it, we could easily generalize the code.
- Oct 25, 2006
Leigh B. Stoller authored
between when something is installed and when post-install runs. Short of a global lock (which we probably need anyway someday), my solution is this. In your makefiles, add these variables before the line that has the include of $(TESTBED_SRCDIR)/GNUmakerules: SETUID_BIN_SCRIPTS = SETUID_SBIN_SCRIPTS = I have added three new rules to GNUmakerules that look like this: $(addprefix $(SBINDIR)/, $(SETUID_SBIN_SCRIPTS)): $(SBINDIR)/%: % echo "Installing (setuid) $<" -mkdir -p $(INSTALL_SBINDIR) $(SUDO) $(INSTALL) -o root -m 4755 $< $@ Yep, your eyes ain't lying to you; use sudo to run the target so that install does the right thing (which is that the old file is not replaced until the new one has the proper attributes on it). Note that post-install is still needed for the initial install, but should no longer be needed for day to day installs since all that other stuff post-install does is mkdir/chmod on directories.
- Oct 23, 2006
Mike Hibler authored
only works for FC4 (not RHL7 or RHL9) because that function only exists in the libpcap on FC. Fortunately, I don't think RHL7 and RHL9 exhibit the problem in the first place.
- Oct 03, 2006
Mike Hibler authored
will not timeout in the dispatch routine. It apparently will stay in recvfrom() til it gets a packet. This caused stop/snapshot events (as well as "kill -TERM") to not do anything. So we blast all the pthreads out of recvfrom with a signal after setting the flag to force them to return from dispatch (pcap_breakloop).
- Sep 19, 2006
Mike Hibler authored
Mike Hibler authored
Seems more intuitive that taking a snapshot does overwrite previous snapshots. Does admit the possibility of excessive logfile buildup. Nit-picky cleanups.
- Sep 14, 2006
Leigh B. Stoller authored
knows when the logfiles are actually rolled. Event groups complicated things a bit. To make this work properly, we no longer subscribe to the link-tracemon event, but instead use a real event group, created by assign wrapper for all of the linktrace agents. So, you can know do things like this: tevc -w -e testbed/TT now link0_tracemon snapshot or tevc -w -e testbed/TT now __all_tracemon snapshot where __all_tracemon is a group of all tracemon agents for all links and lans. I plan to change loghole to use this.
- Jul 25, 2006
Mike Hibler authored
- Jun 19, 2006
Mike Hibler authored
- Mar 08, 2006
Leigh B. Stoller authored
and the makefile changes to get it installed.
- Jan 27, 2006
Timothy Stack authored
file a meaningful name.
- Dec 27, 2005
Timothy Stack authored
- Dec 14, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
be muncged to work on older perl we use on boss.
- Nov 02, 2005
Grant Ayers authored
- Sep 15, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Major interface change; the default mode in the map is that click on a node now *adds* to a highlight (used to be shift-click), and that click over the floor area deselects everything. Add a "Distances between highlighted node" menu item, that uses the x,y,z coords of nodes to determine the distance between them. Okay so there might be a small constant in there, say 14 feet, that just happens to be the distance between floors in MEB.
- Sep 12, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Also print name of moused over node on the mode line.
- Sep 11, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Aug 31, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
forthcoming ...
- Aug 29, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Aug 24, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Aug 22, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Aug 08, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
"reload" since that part does not work right. I need to spend some time rethinking the existing (original) code for doing plain monitor.
- Aug 01, 2005
Timothy Stack authored
begin recording packets, instead, begin recording immediately and take a snapshot if a TIME STARTED is received. Need to do this since a rebooted node will sit for forever waiting for the event.
- Jul 11, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Jun 30, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
I want a record of it.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Jun 23, 2005
Timothy Stack authored
- Jun 22, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
some details can be found in the advanced tutorial that I wrote up. See this link: http://www.emulab.net/tutorial/docwrapper.php3?docname=advanced.html#Tracing The basic idea is that each virt_lan entry gets a couple of new slots describing the type of tracing that is desired. traced tinyint(1) default '0', trace_type enum('header','packet','monitor') NOT NULL default 'header', trace_expr tinytext, trace_snaplen int(11) NOT NULL default '0', trace_endnode tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', There is a new physical table called "traces" that is a little bit like the current delays table. A new tmcd command returns the trace configuration to the client nodes (tmcd/common/config/rc.trace). The delays table got a new boolean called "noshaping" that tells the delay node to bridge, but not set up any pipes. This allows us to capture traffic at the delay node, but without much less overhead on the packets. The pcapper got bloated up to do packet capture and more event stuff. I also had to add some mutex locking around calls into the pcap library and around malloc, since the current setup used linuxthreads, which is not compatable with the standard libc_r library. I was getting all kinds of memory corruption, and I am sure that if someone breathes on the pcapper again, it will break in some new way.
- Jun 12, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
* Add a packet capture mode (-c) option so that pcapper can be used the same way that tcpdump is used, to write captured packets to an output file. When using capture mode, stats are not collected or spit out. I need to think about how feasible it is to do both at once; it started to look like a mess. I added a snaplen (-l) option to be used with capture mode, to specify the snaplen that is passed to the pcap library. * Beef up the event interface, adding a TRACEINFO event type, so that you can send START, STOP, KILL events to the pcapper. So, you can start and stop packet capture for a link/lan, or for a single node on a link/lan (much the same way as you acn control the delay agent).
- Jun 11, 2005
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Jun 09, 2005
Robert Ricci authored
- Jun 08, 2005
Robert Ricci authored
packet reader thread(s) start up.
- Mar 19, 2005
Mike Hibler authored
- Mar 18, 2005
Mike Hibler authored
Put iface arg first so that remaining arguments can be multiple mac addrs. Send one packet per mac addr.