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Snippets Groups Projects 13.7 KiB
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# Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
# All rights reserved.
use English;
use Getopt::Std;
use Errno;
# A wrapper for messing with the Bug DB from boss.
sub usage()
    print "Usage: bugdbproxy adduser [-m] <uid> <passhash> or\n";
    print "       bugdbproxy deluser [-f] <uid> or\n";
    print "       bugdbproxy addproject <pid> or\n";
    print "       bugdbproxy addgroup <pid> <gid> or\n";
    print "       bugdbproxy setgroups <uid> <pid/gid> ...\n";
my $optlist = "d";
my $debug   = 0;

# Configure variables
my $TB       = "@prefix@";
my $TBOPS    = "@TBOPSEMAIL@";
my $FLYCONF  = "/usr/local/etc/flyspray.conf.php";

# Turn off line buffering on output
$| = 1;

# Untaint the path
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin";
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

# Only real root, cause the script has to read/write a pid file that
# cannot be accessed by the user.
if ($UID != 0) {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    Must be root to run this script!\n");

# Testbed Support libraries
use lib "@prefix@/lib";
use libtestbed;
use libtbdb;

# Locals
my $dbname;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpass;

# Protos
sub FlysprayUserid($);
sub FlysprayProjectid($);
sub FlysprayGroupid($$);
sub NewFlySprayGroup($$$$);
sub AddUser(@);
sub DelUser(@);
sub AddProject(@);
sub AddGroup(@);
sub SetGroups(@);
sub xLogin(@);
sub fatal($);

# Parse command arguments. Once we return from getopts, all that should be
# left are the required arguments.
%options = ();
if (! getopts($optlist, \%options)) {
if (defined($options{"d"})) {
    $debug = 1;
if (! @ARGV) {

# The DB user/passwd are stored in the flyspray config file, which is
# hopefully not group readable. Open and parse that file, then open a
# connection to the DB.
open(FLY, $FLYCONF) or
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    Could not open $FLYCONF for reading!\n");

while (<FLY>) {
    if ($_ =~ /^([-\w]*)\s*=\s*"([-\w]*)"$/) {
	if ($1 eq "dbname") {
	    $dbname = $2;
	elsif ($1 eq "dbuser") {
	    $dbuser = $2;
	elsif ($1 eq "dbpass") {
	    $dbpass = $2;

# Make sure we have everything we need.
if (!defined($dbname) ||
    !defined($dbuser) ||
    !defined($dbpass)) {
    fatal("Could not find db parameters in $FLYCONF!");
if (TBDBConnect($dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass) < 0) {
    fatal("Could not connect to flyspray database!");

my $action = shift(@ARGV);

if ($action eq "adduser") {
elsif ($action eq "deluser") {
elsif ($action eq "addproject") {
elsif ($action eq "addgroup") {
elsif ($action eq "setgroups") {
elsif ($action eq "xlogin") {
else {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    Do not know what to do with '$action'!\n");

# Utility function to get the flyspray user_id for an Emulab user.
sub FlysprayUserid($)
    my ($user) = @_;
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("select user_id from flyspray_users ".
		     "where user_name='$user'");

    return -1
	if (!$query_result->numrows);
    my ($user_id) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();
    return $user_id;

# And the flyspray project id for an Emulab pid.
sub FlysprayProjectid($)
    my ($pid) = @_;
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("select flyspray_id from emulab_project_mapping ".
		     "where pid='$pid'");

    return -1
	if (!$query_result->numrows);
    my ($project_id) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();
    return $project_id;

# And the flyspray group id for an Emulab pid/gid.
sub FlysprayGroupid($$)
    my ($project_id, $gname) = @_;
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("select group_id from flyspray_groups ".
		     "where belongs_to_project='$project_id' and ".
		     "      group_name='$gname'");

    return -1
	if (!$query_result->numrows);
    my ($group_id) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();
    return $group_id;

# Create a new flyspray group in a project. Return the new ID.
# Note that "is_admin" is set *only* for global admin group (group 0).
sub NewFlySprayGroup($$$$)
    my ($name, $title, $project_id, $isadmin) = @_;

    # The only bit that twiddles for the "admin" group for a project,
    # is the bit that says the user can "manage" the project. Otherwise,
    # all users get all permissions. Might need to revisit this later.
    DBQueryFatal("insert into flyspray_groups set ".
		 "    group_id=NULL, ".
		 "    group_name='$name' ,".
		 "    group_desc='$title' ,".
		 "    belongs_to_project='$project_id', ".
		 "    is_admin=0, ".
		 "    manage_project='$isadmin', ".
		 "    view_tasks='1', ".
		 "    open_new_tasks='1', ".
		 "    modify_own_tasks='1', ".
		 "    modify_all_tasks='1', ".
		 "    view_comments='1', ".
		 "    add_comments='1', ".
		 "    edit_comments='1', ".
		 "    delete_comments='1', ".
		 "    view_attachments='1', ".
		 "    create_attachments='1', ".
		 "    delete_attachments='1', ".
		 "    view_history='1', ".
		 "    close_own_tasks='1', ".
		 "    close_other_tasks='1', ".
		 "    assign_to_self='1', ".
		 "    assign_others_to_self='1', ".
		 "    view_reports='$isadmin', ".
		 "    group_open=1");

    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("select group_id from flyspray_groups ".
		     "where group_name='$name'");

    fatal("Error creating new flyspray group!")
	if (!$query_result->numrows);    
    my ($group_id) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();
    return $group_id;

# Add entry (or update password) for a user.
sub AddUser(@)
    my ($user, $passhash);
    my $user_id;
    my $modify = 0;
	if (@_ < 2 || @_ > 3);

    if (@_ == 2) {
	($user, $passhash) = @_;
	$user_id = FlysprayUserid($user);
	if ($user_id >= 0) {
	    print("*** $user already exists in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	    return 0;
    else {
	($flag, $user, $passhash) = @_;

	fatal("Unknown option '$flag' to AddUser!")
	    if ($flag ne "-m");

	$user_id = FlysprayUserid($user);
	if ($user_id < 0) {
	    print("*** $user does not exist in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	    return 0;
	$modify = 1;

    # Grab the gcos field from the password file.
    my (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $gcos) = getpwnam($user);

    fatal("Could not gcos field for user $user!")
	if (!defined($gcos));
    $gcos  = DBQuoteSpecial($gcos);
    $email = "${user}\@${OURDOMAIN}";

    # Currently just the passhash and the gcos are modified. 
    if ($modify) {
	DBQueryFatal("update flyspray_users set ".
		     "    user_pass='$passhash' ,".
		     "    real_name=$gcos ".
		     "where user_id=$user_id");
	return 0;

    # Easy ...
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("insert into flyspray_users set ".
		     "    user_id=NULL, ".
		     "    user_name='$user' ,".
		     "    user_pass='$passhash' ,".
		     "    real_name=$gcos ,".
		     "    jabber_id='' ,".
		     "    email_address='$email' ,".
		     "    notify_type=1 ,".
		     "    account_enabled=1 ,".
		     "    dateformat='' ,".
		     "    dateformat_extended='' ,".
		     "    magic_url='' ");

    # Get the ID assigned. 
    $user_id = $query_result->insertid;

    if ($user_id <= 0) {
	fatal("Failed to create flyspray user table entry!");

    # Insert user into the "basic" authentication group. All users
    # must be members of this group in order to do anything at all.
    return 0;

# Delete entry for a user. Okay, cannot really delete a user cause there
# might be entries in other tables cross referenced (say, a bug report).
# Instead, just rename the user and disable the account. Allow for a -force
# option though, to totally get rid of it.
sub DelUser(@)
    my $user;
    my $force = 0;
	if (@_ < 1 || @_ > 2);

    if (@_ == 1) {
	($user) = @_;
    else {
	my ($arg1, $arg2) = @_;

	fatal("Unknown option '$arg1' to DelUser!")
	    if ($arg1 ne "-f");
	$force = 1;
	$user  = $arg2;

    my $user_id = FlysprayUserid($user);

    if ($user_id < 0) {
	print("*** DelUser: $user is not in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	return 0;

    if (! $force) {
	# Rename by appending user_id, so its obvious what happened.
	my $newuser = "${user}-${user_id}";
	DBQueryFatal("update flyspray_users set ".
		     "  user_name='$newuser', ".
		     "  account_enabled=0 ".
		     "where user_id='$user_id'");
	return 0;

    my @tables = ("flyspray_comments",

    foreach my $table (@tables) {
	DBQueryFatal("delete from $table where user_id=$user_id");
    return 0;

# Create a new project.
sub AddProject(@)
	if (@_ != 1);

    my ($pid) = @_;
    my $project_id = FlysprayProjectid($pid);

    if ($project_id >= 0) {
	print("*** $pid already exists in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	return 0;
    my $intro = "This is the Emulab Bug DB for the $pid project";
    my $project_email = "${pid}-users\@${OURDOMAIN}";

    # Easy ...
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("insert into flyspray_projects set ".
		 "    project_id=NULL, ".
		 "    project_title='$pid' ,".
		 "    theme_style='Bluey', ".
		 "    default_cat_owner='0', ".
		 "    intro_message='$intro', ".
		 "    project_is_active='1', ".
		 "    visible_columns='".
		 "id tasktype severity summary status dueversion progress', ".
		 "    others_view='0', ".
		 "    anon_open='0', ".
		 "    notify_email='$project_email', ".
		 "    notify_email_when='0', ".
		 "    notify_jabber='', ".
		 "    notify_jabber_when='0'");

    # Get the ID assigned. 
    $project_id = $query_result->insertid;

    if ($project_id < 0) {
	fatal("Failed to create flyspray project table entry!");

    # Add the emulab mapping.
    DBQueryFatal("insert into emulab_project_mapping set ".
		 "  flyspray_id=$project_id, ".
		 "  pid='$pid'");

    # Now create a project managers group for the new project.
    NewFlySprayGroup("admin", "Project Administrators", $project_id, 1);

    # And a regular users group for the new project.
    NewFlySprayGroup($pid, "Project Members", $project_id, 0);
    return 0;

# Create a new group. Okay, FlySpray groups are nearly useless for what we
# want them to do, so the above code should not actually be used. We are
# to need to create a FlySpray "project" for each group ... Maybe later.
sub AddGroup(@)
	if (@_ != 2);

    my ($pid, $gid) = @_;
    my $project_id = FlysprayProjectid($pid);

    fatal("Project $pid does not exist in the flyspray DB!\n")
	if ($project_id < 0);

    my $group_id = FlysprayGroupid($project_id, $gid);
    if ($group_id >= 0) {
	print("*** $pid/$gid already exists in the flyspray DB! Skipping.\n");
	return 0;

    # And a regular users group for the new group.
    NewFlySprayGroup($gid, "Group Members", $project_id, 0);
    return 0;

# Set the groups for a user.
sub SetGroups(@)
	if (@_ < 1);

    my $user      = shift(@_);
    my @groups    = @_;
    my %ghash     = ();
    my $user_id   = FlysprayUserid($user);

    if ($user_id < 0) {
	print("*** SetGroups: $user is not in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	return 0;

    # All users go into the "basic" authentication group. All users
    # must be members of this group in order to do anything at all.
    my $query_result =
	DBQueryFatal("select group_id from flyspray_groups ".
		     "where group_name='Basic'");
    fatal("Could not find Basic authentication group in flyspray DB!")
	if (!$query_result->numrows);    
    my ($basic_id) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();

    # First some error checking ...
    foreach my $pidgid (@groups) {
	my ($pid, $gid) = ($pidgid =~ /^([-\w]+)\/([-\w]+)$/);

	fatal("Improper pid/gid '$pidgid'")
	    if (! (defined($pid) && defined($gid)));

	my $project_id = FlysprayProjectid($pid);

	if ($project_id < 0) {
	    print("*** Project $pid does not exist in the flyspray DB!\n");

	my $group_id = FlysprayGroupid($project_id, $gid);
	if ($group_id < 0) {
	    fatal("Group $pid/$gid does not exist in the flyspray DB!\n");
	if (exists($ghash{$pid})) {
	    print("*** $user cannot be in multiple groups\n".
		  "    $pid/$gid ($ghash{$pid}). Ignoring $gid\n");
	$ghash{$pid} = $gid;

    # Delete the current set of groups the user belongs to, since we
    # reconstruct the entire thing below.
    DBQueryFatal("delete from flyspray_users_in_groups ".
		 "where user_id=$user_id");
    # Now do it for real, including the Basic group.
    DBQueryFatal("insert into flyspray_users_in_groups set ".
		 "  record_id=NULL, ".
		 "  user_id='$user_id', ".
		 "  group_id='$basic_id'");

    foreach my $pid (keys(%ghash)) {
	my $gid = $ghash{$pid};
	my $project_id = FlysprayProjectid($pid);

	fatal("Project $pid does not exist in the flyspray DB!\n")
	    if ($project_id < 0);

	my $group_id = FlysprayGroupid($project_id, $gid);
	fatal("Group $pid/$gid does not exist in the flyspray DB!\n")
	    if ($group_id < 0);
	DBQueryFatal("insert into flyspray_users_in_groups set ".
		     "  record_id=NULL, ".
		     "  user_id='$user_id', ".
		     "  group_id='$group_id'");
    return 0;

# Backdoor Login
sub xLogin(@)
	if (@_ != 2);

    my ($user, $secretkey) = @_;
    my $user_id = FlysprayUserid($user);
    if ($user_id < 0) {
	print("*** $user does not exist in the flyspray DB! Skipping\n");
	return 0;
    DBQueryFatal("update flyspray_users set ".
		 "    cred='$secretkey'".
		 "where user_id=$user_id");
    return 0;
sub fatal($)
    my($mesg) = $_[0];

    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    $mesg\n");