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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# Copyright (c) 2005 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
# All rights reserved.
use English;
use Getopt::Std;

# Spew a console log from the tipserver that hosts it.
sub usage()
    print(STDOUT "Usage: spewconlog [-l linecount] node\n");
my $optlist   = "l:";
my $linecount = 0;
my $logdir    = "/var/log/tiplogs";
my $logname;

# Configure variables
my $TB		= "@prefix@";
my $TBOPS       = "@TBOPSEMAIL@";
my $SSH		= "$TB/bin/sshtb";

# un-taint path
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/site/bin';
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

# We don't want to run this script unless its the real version.
if ($EUID != 0) {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    Must be setuid! Maybe its a development version?\n");

# This script is setuid, so please do not run it as root. Hard to track
# what has happened.
if ($UID == 0) {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    Please do not run this as root! Its already setuid!\n");

# Turn off line buffering on output. Very important for this script!
$| = 1; 

# Load the Testbed support stuff.
use lib "@prefix@/lib";
use libdb;
use libtestbed;

# Be careful not to exit on transient error
$libdb::DBQUERY_MAXTRIES = 30;

# Locals
my $logfile;

# Parse command arguments. Once we return from getopts, all that should be
# left are the required arguments.
%options = ();
if (! getopts($optlist, \%options)) {
if (defined($options{"l"})) {
    $linecount = $options{"l"};

    # Untaint of course.
    if ($linecount =~ /^([\d]+)$/) {
	$linecount = $1;
    else {
	die("*** $0:\n".
	    "    Bad data in linecount: $linecount\n");
    if (@ARGV != 1);
my $node = $ARGV[0];

# Untaint
if ($node =~ /^([-\w]+)$/) {
    $node = $1;
else {
    die("*** Tainted node name: $node\n");

# Check permission.
if (!TBAdmin($UID) &&
    (! TBNodeAccessCheck($UID, TB_NODEACCESS_READINFO, ($node)))) {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    You not have permission to view console log for $node!\n");

# Grab DB data. 
my $query_result =
    DBQueryFatal("select server from tiplines where node_id='$node'");

if (!$query_result->numrows) {
    die("*** $0:\n".
	"    No console log (tipline) available for $node!\n");
my ($tipserver) = $query_result->fetchrow_array();

# Form the logfile name; admin users get the .log while users get .run.
if (!TBAdmin($UID)) {
    $logname = "$logdir/${node}.run"
else {
    $logname = "$logdir/${node}.log"

if ($linecount) {
    $cmd = "tail -". $linecount
else {
    $cmd = "cat";

# Run an ssh command in a child process, protected by an alarm to
# ensure that the ssh is not hung up forever if the machine is in
# some funky state.
my $syspid = fork();

# Parent waits for ssh to complete.
if ($syspid) {
    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { kill("TERM", $syspid); };
    alarm 20;
    waitpid($syspid, 0);
    my $exitstatus = $?;
    alarm 0;

    if ($exitstatus) {

# Now we want to ssh over and cat the file.
$UID = 0;
system("$SSH -host $tipserver $cmd $logname");
exit(($? == 0 ? 0 : 1));