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  1. Apr 17, 2014
  2. Apr 16, 2014
  3. Apr 15, 2014
    • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
      Latest attempt to improve vnode booting. See below. · 850b5ab7
      Leigh B Stoller authored
      1. Change hackwaitandexit on the client, to return zero if the guest
         has not finished setting up. We used to treat 30 seconds as too
         long must have failed, but this is really not the case, especially
         on busy machines.
      2. Fix up vnode_setup exit code handling, we were losing non-zero
         status cause of not shifting it down, and so failures were never
         being reported.
         New: If the vnode setup does return failure, set its event state to
         TBFAILED to cut short the wait in os_setup and the IG monitor
         process. On the surface this seems like an obviously good idea, but
         I'm sure it will come and bite me when I least expect it.
      3. Change GeniAggregate Start/Restart to ignore vnode_setup failures,
         and let the monitor watch for TBFAILED or timeout. There are just
         too many ways for it to fail, and we want to allow vnodes that did
         not fail to set up normally, and give the user the choice to
         restart the ones that failed.
      4. Don't let frisbee run forever, protect with timeout. I need to use
         Mike's new -T option, but not till I actually get new frisbee
         pushed out.
    • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
      Minor bug fix. · 6f5461f9
      Leigh B Stoller authored
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      Add "-T <sec>" server-timeout option to frisbee client. · b4685e99
      Mike Hibler authored
      If we don't get any messages from our server after <sec> seconds,
      we exit. Odd that this didn't already exist, huh?
      I re-purposed the -T option which used to be used to specify a prefix for
      a trace file. Since I am the only one that ever used that option, I don't
      feel bad about changing it. Traceprefix is now specified with -U.
    • Mike Hibler's avatar
      Clang lint. · 96d6be67
      Mike Hibler authored
  4. Apr 14, 2014
  5. Apr 10, 2014
  6. Apr 09, 2014
  7. Apr 08, 2014