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  • Michael Tokarev's avatar
    do not include <libutil.h> needlessly or if it doesn't exist · 3294ce18
    Michael Tokarev authored
    <libutil.h> and <util.h> on *BSD (some have one, some another)
    were #included just for openpty() declaration.  The only file
    where this function is actually used is qemu-char.c.
    In vl.c and net/tap-bsd.c, none of functions declared in libutil.h
    (login logout logwtmp timdomain openpty forkpty uu_lock realhostname
    fparseln and a few others depending on version) are used.
    Initially the code which is currently in qemu-char.c was in vl.c,
    it has been removed into separate file in commit 0e82f34d
    Fri Oct 31 18:44:40 2008, but the #includes were left in vl.c.
    So with vl.c, we just remove includes - libutil.h, util.h and
    pty.h (which declares only openpty() and forkpty()) from there.
    The code in net/tap-bsd.c, which come from net/tap.c, had this
    commit 5281d757
    Author: Mark McLoughlin <>
    Date:   Thu Oct 22 17:49:07 2009 +0100
        net: split all the tap code out into net/tap.c
    Note this commit not only moved stuff out of net.c to net/tap.c,
    but also rewrote large portions of the tap code, and added these
    completely unnecessary #includes -- as usual, I question why such
    a misleading commit messages are allowed.
    Again, no functions defined in libutil.h or util.h on *BSD are
    used by neither net/tap.c nor net/tap-bsd.c.  Removing them.
    And finally, the only real user for these #includes, qemu-char.c,
    which actually uses openpty().  There, the #ifdef logic is wrong.
    A GLIBC-based system has <pty.h>, even if it is a variant of *BSD.
    So __GLIBC__ should be checked first, and instead of trying to
    include <libutil.h> or <util.h>, we include <pty.h>.  If it is not
    GLIBC-based, we check for variations between <*util.h> as before.
    This patch fixes build of qemu 1.1 on Debian/kFreebsd (well, one
    of the two problems): it is a distribution with a FreeBSD kernel,
    so it #defines at least __FreeBSD_kernel__, but since it is based
    on GLIBC, it has <pty.h>, but current version does not have neither
    <util.h> nor <libutil.h>, which the code tries to include 3 times
    but uses only once.
    Signed-off-By: default avatarMichael Tokarev <>
    Cc: Aurelien Jarno <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBlue Swirl <>