diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.headersinst b/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
index 599503f0e5f2a80fd2ec28c038ced4b0b676d74a..be2b70c48a3bc068dd5a97c6bfede82749a47a3d 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
@@ -1,26 +1,14 @@
 # ==========================================================================
 # Installing headers
-# header-y files will be installed verbatim
-# unifdef-y are the files where unifdef will be run before installing files
-# objhdr-y are generated files that will be installed verbatim
+# header-y  - list files to be installed. They are preprocessed
+#             to remove __KERNEL__ section of the file
+# unifdef-y - Same as header-y. Obsolete
+# objhdr-y  - Same as header-y but for generated files
 # ==========================================================================
-UNIFDEF := scripts/unifdef -U__KERNEL__
-# Eliminate the contents of (and inclusions of) compiler.h
-HDRSED  := sed	-e "s/ inline / __inline__ /g" \
-		-e "s/[[:space:]]__user[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g" \
-		-e "s/(__user[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ (/g" \
-		-e "s/[[:space:]]__force[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g" \
-		-e "s/(__force[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ (/g" \
-		-e "s/[[:space:]]__iomem[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g" \
-		-e "s/(__iomem[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ (/g" \
-		-e "s/[[:space:]]__attribute_const__[[:space:]]\{1,\}/\ /g" \
-		-e "s/[[:space:]]__attribute_const__$$//" \
-		-e "/^\#include <linux\/compiler.h>/d"
+# called may set destination dir (when installing to asm/)
 _dst := $(if $(dst),$(dst),$(obj))
 kbuild-file := $(srctree)/$(obj)/Kbuild
@@ -28,89 +16,82 @@ include $(kbuild-file)
 include scripts/Kbuild.include
-install := $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst)
-header-y	:= $(sort $(header-y) $(unifdef-y))
-subdir-y	:= $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(header-y)))
-header-y	:= $(filter-out %/, $(header-y))
+install       := $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst)
-# stamp files for header checks
-check-y		:= $(patsubst %,.check.%,$(header-y) $(objhdr-y))
-# Work out what needs to be removed
-oldheaders      := $(patsubst $(install)/%,%,$(wildcard $(install)/*.h))
-unwanted        := $(filter-out $(header-y) $(objhdr-y),$(oldheaders))
+header-y      := $(sort $(header-y) $(unifdef-y))
+subdirs       := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(header-y)))
+header-y      := $(filter-out %/, $(header-y))
-oldcheckstamps  := $(patsubst $(install)/%,%,$(wildcard $(install)/.check.*.h))
-unwanted        += $(filter-out $(check-y),$(oldcheckstamps))
+# files used to track state of install/check
+install-file  := $(install)/.install
+check-file    := $(install)/.check
-# Prefix them all with full paths to $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)
-header-y        := $(patsubst %,$(install)/%,$(header-y))
-objhdr-y        := $(patsubst %,$(install)/%,$(objhdr-y))
-check-y         := $(patsubst %,$(install)/%,$(check-y))
+# all headers files for this dir
+all-files     := $(header-y) $(objhdr-y)
+input-files   := $(addprefix $(srctree)/$(obj)/,$(header-y)) \
+                 $(addprefix $(objtree)/$(obj)/,$(objhdr-y))
+output-files  := $(addprefix $(install)/, $(all-files))
-quiet_cmd_o_hdr_install = INSTALL $(patsubst $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/%,%,$@)
-      cmd_o_hdr_install = cp $(patsubst $(install)/%,$(objtree)/$(obj)/%,$@) \
-                             $(install)
-quiet_cmd_unifdef = UNIFDEF $(patsubst $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/%,%,$@)
-      cmd_unifdef = $(UNIFDEF) $(patsubst $(install)/%,$(srctree)/$(obj)/%,$@)\
-                               | $(HDRSED) > $@ || :
+# Work out what needs to be removed
+oldheaders    := $(patsubst $(install)/%,%,$(wildcard $(install)/*.h))
+unwanted      := $(filter-out $(all-files),$(oldheaders))
-quiet_cmd_check = CHECK   $(patsubst $(install)/.check.%,$(_dst)/%,$@)
-      cmd_check = $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/hdrcheck.sh \
-                  $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/include $(subst /.check.,/,$@) $@
+# Prefix unwanted with full paths to $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)
+unwanted-file := $(addprefix $(install)/, $(unwanted))
-quiet_cmd_remove = REMOVE  $(_dst)/$@
-      cmd_remove = rm -f $(install)/$@
+printdir = $(patsubst $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/%/,%,$(dir $@))
-quiet_cmd_mkdir  = MKDIR   $(patsubst $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/%,%,$@)
-      cmd_mkdir  = mkdir -p $@
+quiet_cmd_install = INSTALL $(printdir) ($(words $(all-files))\
+                            file$(if $(word 2, $(all-files)),s))
+      cmd_install = $(PERL) $< $(srctree)/$(obj) $(install) $(header-y); \
+                    $(PERL) $< $(objtree)/$(obj) $(install) $(objhdr-y); \
+	            touch $@
-.PHONY: __headersinst __headerscheck
+quiet_cmd_remove = REMOVE  $(unwanted)
+      cmd_remove = rm -f $(unwanted-file)
-__headerscheck: $(subdir-y) $(check-y)
-	@true
+quiet_cmd_check = CHECK   $(printdir) ($(words $(all-files)) files)
+      cmd_check = $(PERL) $< $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/include $(SRCARCH) \
+                  $(addprefix $(install)/, $(all-files));           \
+	          touch $@
-$(check-y) : $(install)/.check.%.h : $(install)/%.h
-	$(call cmd,check)
+PHONY += __headersinst __headerscheck
-# Other dependencies for $(check-y)
-include /dev/null $(wildcard $(check-y))
+ifndef HDRCHECK
+# Rules for installing headers
+__headersinst: $(subdirs) $(install-file)
+	@:
-# but leave $(check-y) as .PHONY for now until those
-# deps are actually correct.
-.PHONY: $(check-y)
+targets += $(install-file)
+$(install-file): scripts/headers_install.pl $(input-files) FORCE
+	$(if $(unwanted),$(call cmd,remove),)
+	$(if $(wildcard $(dir $@)),,$(shell mkdir -p $(dir $@)))
+	$(call if_changed,install)
-# Rules for installing headers
-__headersinst: $(subdir-y) $(header-y) $(objhdr-y)
-	@true
+__headerscheck: $(subdirs) $(check-file)
+	@:
-$(objhdr-y) $(subdir-y) $(header-y): | $(install) $(unwanted)
+targets += $(check-file)
+$(check-file): scripts/headers_check.pl $(output-files) FORCE
+	$(call if_changed,check)
-	$(call cmd,mkdir)
-# Rules for removing unwanted header files
-.PHONY: $(unwanted)
-	$(call cmd,remove)
-# Install generated files
-$(objhdr-y): $(install)/%.h: $(objtree)/$(obj)/%.h $(kbuild-file)
-	$(call cmd,o_hdr_install)
+# Recursion
+hdr-inst := -rR -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.headersinst obj
+.PHONY: $(subdirs)
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(hdr-inst)=$(obj)/$@ dst=$(_dst)/$@
-# Unifdef header files and install them
-$(header-y): $(install)/%.h: $(srctree)/$(obj)/%.h $(kbuild-file)
-	$(call cmd,unifdef)
+targets := $(wildcard $(sort $(targets)))
+cmd_files := $(wildcard \
+             $(foreach f,$(targets),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).cmd))
+ifneq ($(cmd_files),)
+	include $(cmd_files)
-hdr-inst := -rR -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.headersinst obj
-# Recursion
-.PHONY: $(subdir-y)
-	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(hdr-inst)=$(obj)/$@ dst=$(_dst)/$@
diff --git a/scripts/hdrcheck.sh b/scripts/hdrcheck.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 31598584f87183caf56c4c0fe2fc196ae4546d50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/hdrcheck.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-for FILE in `grep '^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*<' $2 | cut -f2 -d\< | cut -f1 -d\> | egrep ^linux\|^asm` ; do
-    if [ ! -r $1/$FILE ]; then
-	echo $2 requires $FILE, which does not exist in exported headers
-	exit 1
-    fi
-# FIXME: List dependencies into $3
-touch $3
diff --git a/scripts/headers_check.pl b/scripts/headers_check.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15d53a6b1a1f99901b9bdf07e052331ce2a86a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/headers_check.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# headers_check.pl execute a number of trivial consistency checks
+# Usage: headers_check.pl dir [files...]
+# dir:   dir to look for included files
+# arch:  architecture
+# files: list of files to check
+# The script reads the supplied files line by line and:
+# 1) for each include statement it checks if the
+#    included file actually exists.
+#    Only include files located in asm* and linux* are checked.
+#    The rest are assumed to be system include files.
+# 2) TODO: check for leaked CONFIG_ symbols
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my ($dir, $arch, @files) = @ARGV;
+my $ret = 0;
+my $line;
+my $lineno = 0;
+my $filename;
+foreach my $file (@files) {
+	$filename = $file;
+	open(my $fh, '<', "$filename") or die "$filename: $!\n";
+	$lineno = 0;
+	while ($line = <$fh>) {
+		$lineno++;
+		check_include();
+	}
+	close $fh;
+exit $ret;
+sub check_include
+	if ($line =~ m/^\s*#\s*include\s+<((asm|linux).*)>/) {
+		my $inc = $1;
+		my $found;
+		$found = stat($dir . "/" . $inc);
+		if (!$found) {
+			$inc =~ s#asm/#asm-$arch/#;
+			$found = stat($dir . "/" . $inc);
+		}
+		if (!$found) {
+			printf STDERR "$filename:$lineno: included file '$inc' is not exported\n";
+			$ret = 1;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/scripts/headers_install.pl b/scripts/headers_install.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0ff9a35acd07dac648c051542a33ffa0d2ed6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/headers_install.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# headers_install prepare the listed header files for use in
+# user space and copy the files to their destination.
+# Usage: headers_install.pl odir installdir [files...]
+# odir:    dir to open files
+# install: dir to install the files
+# files:   list of files to check
+# Step in preparation for users space:
+# 1) Drop all use of compiler.h definitions
+# 2) Drop include of compiler.h
+# 3) Drop all sections defined out by __KERNEL__ (using unifdef)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my ($readdir, $installdir, @files) = @ARGV;
+my $unifdef = "scripts/unifdef -U__KERNEL__";
+foreach my $file (@files) {
+	my $tmpfile = "$installdir/$file.tmp";
+	open(my $infile, '<', "$readdir/$file")
+		or die "$readdir/$file: $!\n";
+	open(my $outfile, '>', "$tmpfile") or die "$tmpfile: $!\n";
+	while (my $line = <$infile>) {
+		$line =~ s/([\s(])__user\s/$1/g;
+		$line =~ s/([\s(])__force\s/$1/g;
+		$line =~ s/([\s(])__iomem\s/$1/g;
+		$line =~ s/\s__attribute_const__\s/ /g;
+		$line =~ s/\s__attribute_const__$//g;
+		$line =~ s/^#include <linux\/compiler.h>//;
+		printf $outfile "%s", $line;
+	}
+	close $outfile;
+	close $infile;
+	system $unifdef . " $tmpfile > $installdir/$file";
+	unlink $tmpfile;
+exit 0;