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  • Don Zickus's avatar make KBUILD_SYMTYPES work again · e26d6b83
    Don Zickus authored
    commit 37a8d9f6
     tried to combine some
    duplicate code and accidentally broke how KBUILD_SYMTYPES worked
    This fixes the code to match the original intention by the author who
    originally added the code I believe.
    The fixes include:
    - removing extra whitespaces in the if-statements
    - moving the if-statement from around the -r to the -T
    - adding a second arg to cmd_gensymtypes to simplify the options passed
      to genksyms.
    Tested by instrumenting genksyms and seeing what options were passed in
    during a make, KBUILD_SYMTYPES make, and when a foo.symref was created.
    Everything compiled and looked ok.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDon Zickus <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Marek <>