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  • Charlie Jacobsen's avatar
    build-refactor: Build setup for microkernel and kliblcd. · ab53f6cd
    Charlie Jacobsen authored and Vikram Narayanan's avatar Vikram Narayanan committed
    Set up out-of-source build for microkernel and kliblcd. This is
    necessary because the common/ sources will be built for non-isolated
    and isolated worlds (hence we can't do the in-source build - can't
    build same source files with different configs in the same directory).
    Developing a better solution for the liblcd config and hacks
    so we can abstract the build over whether the source file is
    built for non-isolated or isolated. Each environment defines a
    pre- and post- hook header that should be placed appropriately
    in source files for which we want to build for both environments.
    For now, non-isolated pre- and post-hooks are empty since we don't
    need to do any kernel build config hacks.