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  • Charlie Jacobsen's avatar
    Adds example to test async runtime. · 6b12bac4
    Charlie Jacobsen authored and Vikram Narayanan's avatar Vikram Narayanan committed
    The example fails right now. Michael and I will debug.
    Async (THC) runtime init/exit integrated into
    LCD boot/shutdown. This is working properly.
    This commit also fixes a serious bug in the page allocator,
    and fixes some kmalloc configuration.
    As I will note on the wiki, the maximum allowed alloc size
    for kmalloc is 32 pages (128 KBs). This was chosen so that
    the async runtime will work (lazy stacks are about 17 pages).
    There is a limit on the max size because of how I allocate
    groups of pages (I use an array allocated on the stack inside
    the page allocator at some point, and this array can't be
    too big). In the future, we may improve on this.