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  • Ian Campbell's avatar
    libxl: support custom block hotplug scripts · 3e56dba3
    Ian Campbell authored
    These are provided using the "script=" syntax described in
    The existing hotplug scripts currently conflate two different
    concepts, namely that of making a datapath available in the backend
    domain (logging into iSCSI LUNs and the like) and that of actually
    connecting that datapath to a Xen backend path (e.g. writing
    "physical-device" node in xenstore to bring up blkback).
    For this reason the script support implemented here is only supported
    in conjunction with backendtype=phy.
    Eventually we hope to rework the hotplug scripts to separate the to
    concepts, but that is not 4.2 material.
    In addition there are some other subtleties:
     - Previously in the blktap case we would add "script = .../blktap" to
       the backend flex array, but then jumped to the PHY case which added
       "script = .../block" too. The block one takes precendence since it
       comes second.
       This was, accidentally, correct. The blktap script is for blktap1
       devices and not blktap2 devices. libxl completely manages the
       blktap2 side of things without resorting to hotplug scripts and
       creates a blkback device directly.  Therefore the "block" script is
       always the correct one to call. Custom script are not supported in
       this context.
     - libxl should not write the "physical-device" node. This is the
       responsibility of the block script. Writing the "physical-device"
       node in libxl basically completely short-cuts the standard block
       hotplug script which uses "physical-device" to know if it has run
       already or not.
       In the case of more complex scripts libxl cannot know the right
       value to write here anyway, in particular the device may not exist
       until after the script is called.
       This change has the side effect of re-enabling the checks for
       device sharing aspect of the default block script, which I have tested
       and which now cause libxl to properly abort now that libxl properly
       checks for hotplug script errors.
       There is no sharing check for blktap2 since even if you reuse the
       same vhd the resulting tap device is different. I would have preferred
       to simply write the "physical-device" node for the blktap2 case but
       the hotplug script infrastructure is not currently setup to handle
       devices without a hotplug script (backendtype phy and tap both end
       up as KIND_VBD). Changing this was more surgery than I was happy doing
       for 4.2 and therefore I have simply hardcoded to the block script for
       the LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_TAP case.
     - libxl__device_disk_set_backend running against a phy device with a
       script cannot stat the device to check its properties since it may
       not exist until the script is run. Therefore I have special cased
       this in disk_try_backend to simply assume that backend == phy is
       always ok if a script was
       configured.  Similarly the other backend types are always rejected
       if a script was configured.
       Note that the reason for implementing the default script behaviour
       in device_disk_add instead of libxl__device_disk_setdefault is
       because we need to be able to tell when the script was
       user-supplied rather than defaulted by libxl in order to correctly
       implement the above. The setdefault function must be idempotent so
       we cannot simply update disk->script.
       I suspect that for 4.3 a script member should be added to
       libxl__device, this would also help in the case above of handling
       devices with no script in a consistent manner. This is not 4.2
     - When the block script falls through and shells out to a block-$type
       script it used to pass "$node" however the only place this was
       assigned was in the remove+phy case (in which case it contains the
       file:// derived /dev/loopN device), and in that case the script
       exits without falling through to the block-$type case.
       Since libxl never creates a type other than phy this never happens
       in practice anyway and we now call the correct block-$type script
       directly.  But fix it up anyway since it is confusing.
     - The block-nbd and block-enbd scripts which we supply appear to be
       broken WRT the hotplug calling convention, in that they seem to
       expect a command line parameter (perhaps the $node described above)
       rather than reading the appropriate node from xenstore.
       I rather suspect this was broken by 7774:e2e7f47e6f79 in November
       2005. I think it is safe to say no one is using these scripts! I
       haven't fixed this here. It would be good to track down some working
       scripts and either incorproate them or defer to them in their existing
       home (e.g. if they live somewhere useful like the nbd tools
     - Added a few block script related entries to check-xl-disk-parse
       and /
       snuck in another interesting empty CDROM case)
       This highlighted two bugs in the libxlu disk parser handling of the
       deprecated "<script>:" prefix:
       - It was failing to prefix with "block-" to construct the actual
         script name
       - The regex for matching iscsi or drdb or e?nbd was incorrect
     - Use libxl__abs_path for the nic script too. Just because the
       existing code nearly tricked me into repeating the mistake
    I have tested with a custom block script which uses "lvchange -a" to
    dynamically add remove the referenced device (simulates iSCSI
    login/logout without requiring me to faff around setting up an iSCSI
    target). I also tested on a blktap2 system.
    I haven't directly tested anything more complex like iscsi: or nbd:
    other than what check-xl-disk-parse exercises.
    [ Recommit of correct version of 25727:a8d708fcb347, which was mangled
      during commit.  Sorry. -iwj ]
    Signed-off-by: default avatarIan Campbell <>
    Acked-by: default avatarIan Jackson <>
    Committed-by: default avatarIan Jackson <>