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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Fix DHCP/OS metadata flow setup locking issues from issue #6. · 10dc1aa8
    David Johnson authored
    The DHCP and OS meta flow setup functions were locking in the wrong
    order.  They would try to grab the cn_node_t lock associated with the
    dhcp server cn_node_t and the osmeta server cn_node_t first, then do
    some flow setup work that would result in the csw lock associated with
    both of those nodes being taken.  The order is always csw, cport,
    cnode.  So now these functions follow that convention, and things are
    This would typically manifest when a new node was entering from the
    metadata server (always from the pending list, as I saw it), and
    conflicting with a packet in msg (i.e., an ARP involving the DHCP server
    or the OS metadata server).