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  • Justin Pettit's avatar
    ovs-pki: Add uniqueness to CA certs · 496d0fe5
    Justin Pettit authored
    When ovs-pki is used for CA cert generation, it generates certificates
    that are identical except for the public key.  If multiple controllers are
    their own certificate authorities, the switch will receive multiple CA
    certs that are identical other than their key.  Unfortunately, OpenSSL
    cannot distinguish between them.  This is an excerpt of the
    SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations function used by vconn-ssl:
        Certificate matching is done based on the subject name, the key
        identifier (if present), and the serial number as taken from the
        certificate to be verified. If these data do not match, the next
        certificate will be tried. If a first certificate matching the
        parameters is found, the verification process will be performed; no
        other certificates for the same parameters will be searched in case of
    To work around this, we add a bit of uniqueness to each certificate.  In
    this commit, we add the generation time to the subject name.  Please note
    that the CN field is limited to 64 bytes, so a bit of name compression
    needed to take place in order to fit the time.
    Bug #1782