From a578a5c4483babec3f40d5470e6091f6fac41895 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: luis_pereira87 <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 12:49:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Tutorials: merge all the tutorials for different USRPs into a
 single page

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index c5561977a11..00000000000
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-<table style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">
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-      <a href="">
-         <img src="./images/oai_final_logo.png" alt="" border=3 height=50 width=150>
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-    <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none; vertical-align: center;">
-      <b><font size = "5">OAI 5G SA tutorial for USRP B210</font></b>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-1. [Scenario](#1-scenario)
-2. [OAI CN5G](#2-oai-cn5g)
-    1. [OAI CN5G pre-requisites](#21-oai-cn5g-pre-requisites)
-    2. [OAI CN5G Setup](#22-oai-cn5g-setup)
-    3. [OAI CN5G Configuration files](#23-oai-cn5g-configuration-files)
-    4. [SIM Card](#24-sim-card)
-3. [OAI gNB](#3-oai-gnb)
-    1. [OAI gNB pre-requisites](#31-oai-gnb-pre-requisites)
-    2. [Build OAI gNB](#32-build-oai-gnb)
-4. [Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB with USRP B210](#4-run-oai-cn5g-and-oai-gnb-with-usrp-b210)
-    1. [Run OAI CN5G](#41-run-oai-cn5g)
-    2. [Run OAI gNB](#42-run-oai-gnb)
-5. [Testing with QUECTEL RM500Q](#5-testing-with-quectel-rm500q)
-    1. [Setup QUECTEL](#51-setup-quectel)
-    2. [Ping test](#52-ping-test)
-    3. [Downlink iPerf test](#53-downlink-iperf-test)
-# 1. Scenario
-In this tutorial we describe how to configure and run a 5G end-to-end setup with OAI CN5G, OAI gNB and COTS UE.
-Minimum hardware requirements:
-- Laptop/Desktop/Server for OAI CN5G and OAI gNB
-    - Operating System: [Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS](
-    - CPU: 8 cores x86_64 @ 3.5 GHz
-    - RAM: 32 GB
-- Laptop for UE
-    - Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 x64
-    - CPU: 4 cores x86_64
-    - RAM: 8 GB
-    - Windows driver for Quectel MUST be equal or higher than version **2.2.4**
-- [USRP B210](
-- Quectel RM500Q
-    - Module, M.2 to USB adapter, antennas and SIM card
-    - Firmware version of Quectel MUST be equal or higher than **RM500QGLABR11A06M4G**
-# 2. OAI CN5G
-## 2.1 OAI CN5G pre-requisites
-sudo apt install -y git net-tools putty
-sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
-curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
-sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]  $(lsb_release -cs)  stable"
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install -y docker docker-ce
-# Add your username to the docker group, otherwise you will have to run in sudo mode.
-sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami)
-sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-## 2.2 OAI CN5G Setup
-# Git oai-cn5g-fed repository
-git clone ~/oai-cn5g-fed
-# Pull docker images
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-spgwu-tiny:develop
-docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:latest
-# Tag docker images
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:develop oai-amf:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:develop oai-nrf:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:develop oai-smf:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:develop oai-udr:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:develop oai-udm:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:develop oai-ausf:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-spgwu-tiny:develop oai-spgwu-tiny:develop
-docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:latest trf-gen-cn5g:latest
-## 2.3 OAI CN5G Configuration files
-Download and copy configuration files:
-- Copy [docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml](tutorial_resources/docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml) to `~/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose`
-- Copy [oai_db.sql](tutorial_resources/oai_db.sql) to `~/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose/database`
-Change permissions on oai_db.sql to prevent mysql permission denied error:
-chmod 644 ~/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose/database/oai_db.sql
-## 2.4 SIM Card
-Program SIM Card with [Open Cells Project]( application [uicc-v2.6](
-sudo ./program_uicc --adm 12345678 --imsi 208990000000001 --isdn 00000001 --acc 0001 --key fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f --opc C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1 -spn "OpenAirInterface" --authenticate
-# 3. OAI gNB
-## 3.1 OAI gNB pre-requisites
-### Build UHD from source
-sudo apt install -y libboost-all-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev doxygen python3-docutils python3-mako python3-numpy python3-requests python3-ruamel.yaml python3-setuptools cmake build-essential
-git clone ~/uhd
-cd ~/uhd
-git checkout v4.0.0.0
-cd host
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ../
-make -j 4
-make test # This step is optional
-sudo make install
-sudo ldconfig
-sudo uhd_images_downloader
-## 3.2 Build OAI gNB
-# Get openairinterface5g source code
-git clone ~/openairinterface5g
-cd ~/openairinterface5g
-git checkout develop
-# Install dependencies in Ubuntu 20.04
-cd ~/openairinterface5g
-source oaienv
-cd cmake_targets
-./build_oai -I
-# Build OAI gNB
-cd ~/openairinterface5g
-source oaienv
-cd cmake_targets
-./build_oai -w USRP --ninja --nrUE --gNB --build-lib all -c
-# 4. Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB with USRP B210
-## 4.1 Run OAI CN5G
-cd ~/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose
-python3 --type start-basic --scenario 1
-## 4.2 Run OAI gNB
-cd ~/openairinterface5g
-source oaienv
-cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
-sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --sa -E --continuous-tx
-Make sure that during USRP initialization, it shows that USB 3 is used.
-# 5. Testing with Quectel RM500Q
-## 5.1 Setup Quectel
-With [PuTTY](, send the following AT commands to the module using a serial interface (ex: COM2) at 115200 bps:
-# MUST be sent at least once everytime there is a firmware upgrade!
-# (Optional, debug only, AT commands) Activate PDP context, retrieve IP address and test with ping
-## 5.2 Ping test
-- UE host
-ping -t -S
-- CN5G host
-docker exec -it oai-ext-dn ping
-## 5.3 Downlink iPerf test
-- UE host
-    - Download iPerf for Microsoft Windows from [here](
-    - Extract to Desktop and run with Command Prompt:
-cd C:\Users\User\Desktop\iPerf\iperf-2.0.9-win64\iperf-2.0.9-win64
-iperf -s -u -i 1 -B
-- CN5G host
-docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -u -t 86400 -i 1 -fk -B -b 125M -c
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
similarity index 84%
rename from doc/
rename to doc/
index 0fbff802ade..d5149a6c4ec 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none; vertical-align: center;">
-      <b><font size = "5">OAI 5G SA tutorial for USRP N300 or X300</font></b>
+      <b><font size = "5">OAI 5G SA tutorial</font></b>
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@
     1. [OAI gNB pre-requisites](#31-oai-gnb-pre-requisites)
     2. [Build OAI gNB](#32-build-oai-gnb)
     3. [N300 Ethernet Tuning](#33-n300-ethernet-tuning)
-4. [Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB with USRP N300](#4-run-oai-cn5g-and-oai-gnb-with-usrp-n300)
+4. [Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB](#4-run-oai-cn5g-and-oai-gnb)
     1. [Run OAI CN5G](#41-run-oai-cn5g)
     2. [Run OAI gNB](#42-run-oai-gnb)
+       1. [USRP B210](#usrp-b210)
+       2. [USRP N300](#usrp-n300)
+       3. [USRP X300](#usrp-x300)
 5. [Testing with QUECTEL RM500Q](#5-testing-with-quectel-rm500q)
     1. [Setup QUECTEL](#51-setup-quectel)
     2. [Ping test](#52-ping-test)
@@ -46,7 +49,8 @@ Minimum hardware requirements:
     - CPU: 4 cores x86_64
     - RAM: 8 GB
     - Windows driver for Quectel MUST be equal or higher than version **2.2.4**
-- [USRP N300]( or [USRP X300]( Please identify the network interface(s) on which the USRP is connected.
+- [USRP B210](, [USRP N300]( or [USRP X300](
+    - Please identify the network interface(s) on which the USRP is connected and update the gNB configuration file
 - Quectel RM500Q
     - Module, M.2 to USB adapter, antennas and SIM card
     - Firmware version of Quectel MUST be equal or higher than **RM500QGLABR11A06M4G**
@@ -162,25 +166,29 @@ cd cmake_targets
 ./build_oai -w USRP --ninja --nrUE --gNB --build-lib all -c
-## 3.3 N300 Ethernet Tuning
+## 3.3 USRP N300 and X300 Ethernet Tuning
 Please also refer to the official [USRP Host Performance Tuning Tips and Tricks]( tuning guide.
 The following steps are recommended. Please change the network interface(s) as required. Also, you should have 10Gbps interface(s): if you use two cables, you should have the XG interface. Refer to the [N300 Getting Started Guide]( for more information.
 * Use an MTU of 9000: how to change this depends on the network management tool. In the case of Network Manager, this can be done from the GUI.
-* Increase the kernel socket buffer (also done by the USRP driver in OAI):
-  ```
-  sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=8388608
-  sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=8388608
-  sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=65536
-  sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=65536
-  ```
+* Increase the kernel socket buffer (also done by the USRP driver in OAI)
 * Increase Ethernet Ring Buffers: `sudo ethtool -G <ifname> rx 4096 tx 4096`
-* Disable hyper-threading in the BIOS
-* Disable KPTI Protections for Spectre/Meltdown for more performance. **This is a security risk.** Add `mitigations=off nosmt` in your grub config and update grub.
+* Disable hyper-threading in the BIOS (This step is optional)
+* Optional: Disable KPTI Protections for Spectre/Meltdown for more performance. **This is a security risk.** Add `mitigations=off nosmt` in your grub config and update grub. (This step is optional)
-# 4. Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB with USRP N300
+Example code to run:
+for ((i=0;i<$(nproc);i++)); do sudo cpufreq-set -c $i -r -g performance; done
+sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=62500000
+sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=62500000
+sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=62500000
+sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=62500000
+sudo ethtool -G enp1s0f0 tx 4096 rx 4096
+# 4. Run OAI CN5G and OAI gNB
 ## 4.1 Run OAI CN5G
@@ -191,21 +199,29 @@ python3 --type start-basic --scenario 1
 ## 4.2 Run OAI gNB
+### USRP B210
+cd ~/openairinterface5g
+source oaienv
+cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
+sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --sa -E --continuous-tx
+### USRP N300
-# USRP N300
 cd ~/openairinterface5g
 source oaienv
 cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
 sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --sa --usrp-tx-thread-config 1
-# USRP X300
+### USRP X300
 cd ~/openairinterface5g
 source oaienv
 cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
 sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --sa --usrp-tx-thread-config 1 -E --continuous-tx
 # 5. Testing with Quectel RM500Q
 ## 5.1 Setup Quectel
@@ -246,5 +262,5 @@ iperf -s -u -i 1 -B
 - CN5G host
-docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -u -t 86400 -i 1 -fk -B -b 640M -c
+docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -u -t 86400 -i 1 -fk -B -b 100M -c