# # This is an example definitions file for configure. # # Use the --with-TBDEFS=filename to specify your own file. # If you add a variable, be sure to go and update configure.in. # # The name of this installation THISHOMEBASE=UKY.Emulab.Net # # Various domain and host names # # Domain this testbed resides in OURDOMAIN=uky.emulab.net # Host name of our web server (or host:port) WWWHOST=www.uky.emulab.net # Fully-quailified hostname of the boss node BOSSNODE=boss.uky.emulab.net # Fully-quailified hostname of the ops (also called users) node USERNODE=users.uky.emulab.net # Fully-quailified hostname of the fileserver (will probably be the same # as the ops node) FSNODE=users.uky.emulab.net # # Addresses to which email will be sent - These are expected to go to mailing # lists. You can either host the lists on your ops node, send them off to # some external server. If you chose to run them from the ops node, the # ops-install script sets up empty lists for you. # # Main address for the 'operations staff' - Copies of error messages, etc. will # get sent to this address, and in some cases users are directed to this # address if they have questions and/or problems. TBOPSEMAIL=testbed-ops@uky.emulab.net # Notification of new projects requests get sent to this address for approval. # Should have a few admin-types on it. TBAPPROVALEMAIL=testbed-approval@uky.emulab.net # Logs, such as experiment creation/deletion go to this address. Probably no # more than one person needs to be on this one. TBLOGSEMAIL=testbed-logs@uky.emulab.net # Various auditing message about account maintenance go here. Again, probably # only needs one member. TBAUDITEMAIL=testbed-audit@uky.emulab.net # Some web reports get sent to this one. TBWWWEMAIL=testbed-www@uky.emulab.net # Our node state management daemon sends mail to this address. Someone should # be on this list, and reporting persistent error messages to Utah would be a # good idea. TBSTATEDEMAIL=testbed-stated@uky.emulab.net # We have a test suite to test the front end. This email is for the results # of the testsuite, but is not used yet. TBTESTSUITEEMAIL=testbed-testsuite@uky.emulab.net # We dynamically create two email addresses for notifications to users - one # for all testbed users, and one for all users whose projects have active # experiments. These addresses are included in the above lists, with the # intent that they can be used to archive all mail sent to them. TBUSERSARCHIVE=testbed-users-archive@uky.emulab.net TBACTIVEARCHIVE=testbed-active-users-archive@uky.emulab.net # # Real paths (no symlinks) to the directories that get exported from ops # FSDIR_GROUPS=/groups FSDIR_PROJ=/proj FSDIR_USERS=/users FSDIR_SHARE=/share FS_WITH_QUOTAS="/proj /groups /users" # # You shouldn't have to change anything below this point # TBADMINGROUP=tbadmin TBDBNAME=tbdb IPBASE=192.168 DELAYCAPACITY=2 SFSSUPPORT=0 DISABLE_NSE=1