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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Reorg top level; add more resource info; add timestamp/runtime metadata. · acbf5767
    David Johnson authored
    Now the top-level keys are: 'META' (metadata about the collection run,
    so that whoever pulls this file back to boss doesn't have to check its
    ctime/mtime to know how stale the data is -- times in GMT); 'info',
    which has keys like 'images', 'vms', 'networks', 'subnets', 'ports',
    'routers', and a UUID->dict where the dict has a 'name' field (HRN),
    'status' (if the resource has status; all do); and 'deleted' (True
    or False).  Then the periods (which were previously top-level keys)
    are now keys in the 'periods' top-level dict.