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  • David Hancock's avatar
    Eliminate unnecessary HP4C class variables, explore mapping problem. · d9486a08
    David Hancock authored
    In parserSample02, I illustrate an issue that will be difficult to
    resolve: each path through the parse tree could result in a
    different mapping between HyPer4's consolidated
    field and the source .p4's header fields.  Thus has several
    implications: 1) tset_control_state_nextbits is insufficient as it
    incorrectly assumes that of all paths leading to a given parse state,
    those paths that incur the same bit extraction requirement prior to
    entering the parse state may all be represented by this value (the
    number of bits that have been extracted).  This is incorrect because
    for some paths the number may represent explicit 'extract'
    statements while for other paths the number may include (or
    completely consist of) support for handling 'current' expressions
    in preceding parse states' return statements.  2) We will have to
    store each possible -> source.p4 field mapping,
    indexed by the final path taken through the parse tree from start
    to ingress, and for each possible path incurring a different
    mapping, we will have to supply different match table entries,
    meaning the path ID will have to be added to the match fields,
    resulting in a multiplication of the memory required for emulating
    source.p4 table entries.  3) Back in the parse tree compilation,
    we will have to deal with implications for issuing the correct
    tset_inspect_XX_XX entries, where different paths may require
    different entries and even different tset_inspect_XX_XX tables
    (if the different mappings mean the select expression, in the
    parse state's return statement, has to look at different
    sets of bytes crossing tset_inspect_XX_XX boundaries).