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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Add iperf-2.0.10 option for newer clientsides; only alpine linux for now. · c5cd6338
    David Johnson authored
    We've reached the point where it's no longer worth carrying around extra
    patch baggage to help iperf 2.0.2 build on newer libcs and compilers.
    One reason for that is, when iperf modernized to handle gcc6, they did
    it at the same time as a nontrivial reorganization.  So we cannot just
    trivially lift their bits, at all.
    Second problem: iperf uses a binary packet header.  Our patch used
    header bitspace that modern iperfs have since begun using for an
    extended header.  So, the 2.0.10 patch in this commit attempts to
    maintain binary compat with our hacked 2.0.2 iperf -- but throws out
    compat with modern, regular iperfs.
    Anyway, this commit just makes the iperf version choice optional, and
    it's only 2.0.10 on Alpine Linux; all other build envs will still try to
    build 2.0.2 (unless they are ISBRROKEN, of course).
    (I know Mike^H^H^H^Hsomeone plans to revisit whether or not our patch is
    still even necessary (my bet is that it is, after reading the code), but
    I need this commit to get the clientside going on Alpine Linux.)