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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    Remove use of evproxy and clusterd; clustering is now built into pubsubd · 49b480c6
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    via the -c and -E/-F options:
    * On normal nodes, we used to use evproxy to capture experiment events
      on ops and forward them to the node local pubsubd (where all local
      agents connect to). Now we restart pubsubd with the -c and a -F option
      that says to subscribe to all events '(EXPT == "pid/eid")' at the
      parent pubsubd on ops (-c event-server).
    * On shared hosts, we used to start kill pubsubd and start clusterd. Now
      we restart pubsubd with just "-c event-server" which causes it to
      subscribe to all events at the parent pubsubd on ops. This is how
      clusterd did it as well.
    Another change is that instead of just kill pubsubd and starting with
    new options, we now write a pubsubd.conf file into /usr/local/etc. The
    rc.d startup files look for this file and source it as a typical .conf
    file and pass the options to pubsubd.
    I added deletion of these file to the prepare script.