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  • Mac Newbold's avatar
    Big round of changes. It is now basically done and ready for widespread use. · 3c45d681
    Mac Newbold authored
     - Make configurable options specifiable on the command line (idle
       time, packets/hour, "freshness" time).
     - Check how fresh our data is, and mark it as stale if it is old.
     - Add display options. Default is show only inactive, swappable, non-stale.
       Use -s flag to show stale expts too, and -u flag to show unswappable
       ones. (-s and -u display whether they're active or not)
     - Changes in the database optimized the queries for me, so instead of
       taking 10-15 seconds to run, it now takes 1.
    See usage (idlecheck -h) for more info.
    We're now ready to put this in a cron job and in idle view of the expt
    listing web page.