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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    The rest of the sync server additions: · 212cc781
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    * Parser: Added new tb command to set the name of the sync server:
    	tb-set-sync-server <node>
      This initializes the sync_server slot of the experiment entry to the
      *vname* of the node that should run the sync server for that
      experiment. In other words, the sync server is per-experiment, runs
      on a node in the experiment, and the user gets to chose which node
      it runs on.
    * tmcd and client side setup. Added new syncserver command which
      returns the name of the syncserver and whether the requesting node
      is the lucky one to run the daemon:
      The name of the syncserver is written to /var/emulab/boot/syncserver
      on the nodes so that clients can easily figure out where the server
      Aside: The ready bits are now ignored (no DB accesses are made) for
      virtual nodes; they are forced to use the new sync server.
    * New os/syncd directory containing the daemon and the client. The
      daemon is pretty simple. It waits for TCP (and UDP, although that
      path is not complete yet) connections, and reads in a little
      structure that gives the name of the "barrier" to wait for, and an
      optional count of clients in the group (this would be used by the
      "master" who initializes barriers for clients). The socket is saved
      (no reply is made, so the client is blocked) until the count reaches
      zero. Then all clients are released by writting back to the
      sockets, and the sockets are closed. Obviously, the number of
      clients is limited by the numbed of FDs (open sockets), hence the
      need for a UDP variant, but that will take more work.
      The client has a simple command line interface:
        usage: emulab-sync [options]
        -n <name>         Optional barrier name; must be less than 64 bytes long
        -d                Turn on debugging
        -s server         Specify a sync server to connect to
        -p portnum        Specify a port number to connect to
        -i count          Initialize named barrier to count waiters
        -u                Use UDP instead of TCP
        The client figures out the server by looking for the file created
        above by libsetup (/var/emulab/boot/syncserver). If you do not
        specify a barrier "name", it uses an internal default. Yes, the
        server can handle multiple barriers (differently named of course)
        at once (non-overlapping clients obviously).
        Clients can wait before a barrier in "initialized." The count on
        the barrier just goes negative until someone initializes the
        barrier using the -i option, which increments the count by the
        count. Therefore, the master does not have to arrange to get there
        "first." As an example, consider a master and one client:
    	nodeA> /usr/local/etc/emulab/emulab-sync -n mybarrier
    	nodeB> /usr/local/etc/emulab/emulab-sync -n mybarrier -i 1
        Node A waits until Node B initializes the barrier (gives it a
        count).  The count is the number of *waiters*, not including the
        master. The master is also blocked until all of the waiters have
        checked in.
        I have not made an provision for timeouts or crashed clients. Lets
        see how it goes.
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