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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    * After rebooting the inner nodes, ssh into the inner boss and run · dd3b8989
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
      utility script to wait for them to reboot and reach PXEWAIT. This
      indicates inner emulab is raelly ready
    * When an inner experiment is defined (elabinelab_eid in experiments
      table) fire that experiment off by doing an ssh into inner boss. I
      am currently doing this with -w (wait mode) but eventually will need
      to do it async for experiments in which the control net is turned
      off. Also, not actually swapping experiment in yet since multicast
      and frisbee are still broken inside.
    * Add -k mode for cleaning up. The intent of this is to avoid power
      cycling all the nodes cause outer elab cannot reboot or ipod them.
      Goes like this:
      * Clear the inner_elab_role for experiment's nodes from the reserved
      * Clear def_boot_osid,next_boot_osid,temp_boot_osid for nodes. This
        is bogus cause os_select whines about doing this, but the point is
        to make sure that all nodes will go into PXEWAIT when they reboot.
        We could have them go into MFS, but thats bound to cause problems
        if inner elab has a lot of nodes (remember, cannot trust what is
        on disk). This needs more thought.
      * Regen and restart outer dhcpd. Nodes will become part of outer
        emulab on next boot cycle.
      * SSH into inner boss and kill inner DHCPD so that there will not be
        any DHCPD responses on inner control network.
      * SSH into inner boss and have it reboot all inner nodes.
      * Wait for node to reach PXEWAIT.
      The above needs more thought wrt firewalled experiments and isolated
      control network.
    * Kill off some old MFS copy code since we now get those direct from