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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    I had such ambitious goals when I started this project! My intent was · cccc74eb
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    to allow elabinelab vlan firewalls. Alas, I never got there, fell into
    a pit of hell and never made it back out. However, I did do a few
    I did make some changes to deal with stacks, mostly making sure that
    stacks are processed properly inside the elabinelab, and passed
    through to the outer emulab, which currently ignores the stack. See
    the new version of the proxy.
    The big change was to -m and -o. These now require a pid/eid argument
    so that we can create (and delete) vlan objects in the DB, for both
    the control and experimental stacks. Most notably, when creating a
    firewalled experiment, we get a Lan(VLan) object for the control
    network fwvlan, and an entry in the softstate vlans table (that
    mirrors what is on the switches). This is intended to make things
    easier to cleanup after a swap error, and to catch inconsitencies
    before we release nodes. Note that -m and -o take -f to override the
    pid/eid requirement, in which case they operate as before.
    Trunk enable/disable and Port enable/disable now record that state in
    the new interface_state table.
    We now proxy doPortControl().
    A second -l option overrides Keiths change that prints only vlans
    associated witl experiments; print *all* vlans.