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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    First step is allowing a different "standard" disk layout: · b0e86d9b
    Mike Hibler authored
     * Somewhere in the DB, probably images, we will store the MBR "version"
       required by a partition (non-whole-disk) image.  This info will be
       passed to the client (us).
     * We use this info to install the correct MBR on the disk before starting
       frisbee.  The various MBRs (all two of them) will be stored in the
       frisbee MFS since they are only 512 bytes each.
    This checkin handles the client-side of things and is backward compatible
    (i.e., assumes MBR version 1 if nothing is passed).
    One immediate benefit is that this will allow us to install a partition
    image on a new (or otherwise MBR-free) disk, as it detects the case of no
    MBR and installs one.