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  • Leigh B Stoller's avatar
    This change is to support switching urn in data structure from strings · 9d2cc009
    Leigh B Stoller authored
    to objects (see GeniHRN, look for new()). Much easier, less typing.  But
    in order to do that, we have make sure that if we send one on the wire,
    it gets converted properly (converted to it its plain string).
    But, Frontier and XML::RPC do not let you hook in so that if you have a
    blessed reference, it will call its stringify method for encoding.  Odd,
    cause encode_json (JSON) supports that.
    As it turns out, Frontier is structured so that it is easy to hook into
    it, and its only mildly sleazy. And Frontier has not changed in years,
    so probably not going to change much in the next few years. XML::RPC was
    too messy, so I switched Genixmlrpc CallMethod() to use Frontier
    instead.  Does not seem to risky, we use Frontier on the receiving end
    Lets see how this goes, its been running in my devel tree for a while.