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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Revised version of "max delay" packet dropping in dummynet. · f0b988f1
    Mike Hibler authored
     * Delay specified in ticks.
     * Drop performed as packets were leaving the delay queue (i.e., leaving
       dummynet).  This is more accurate in terms of calculating time spent
       in dummynet, and can be used with all strategies of BW/delay shaping
       (constant values, distributions, table lookup), but required that
       ultimately-dropped packets get put on the BW queue, changing the timing
       of things.
     * Delay specified in milliseconds.
     * Drops perfromed as packets enter the bandwidth queue (i.e., arrive
       in dummynet).  Here drops are based on estimates of how long a packet
       would spend in dummynet and thus only works with constant delay/BW
       shaping characteristics, but does more accurately reflect queuing
    The estimate is done by looking at the length in bytes of the bandwidth
    queue (including the candidate packet) for the pipe, determining how long
    it will take to transmit that many bytes, and then adding the delay value
    for the pipe.